A Different Paradigm for Propeller and Rubber Motor Selection

“certain props work with certain motors”


Sam Brauer

Using Plastic Props

Clubster Sam Brauer flies all types and sizes of free flight rubber powered model airplanes, both indoors and outdoors.   In this article, he presents his experience with commercially available plastic propellers and the rubber motors that power them.

The prop and rubber motor combination is one of the strongest contributors to flight duration.  Certain props and rubber motors work better with certain models.
Sam has tried most all of the combinations over his modeling career.  His article presents many thought -provoking ideas (e.g., easily made prop mods) and includes an informative Table listing different plastic props, key specifications and suitable rubber sizes.  
This is really good stuff for anyone starting out in the hobby. 
Experienced modelers will benefit from a new perspective on prop/rubber that may help increase their models performance.

Click the link below and learn something new!

Read Article Now


June 26 Ipswich Meet Cancelled!

Next meet on July 24 in Ipswich

The Pony Express Field meet tomorrow is cancelled due to the  high winds forecast. 

The Sunday back up date is no better and has been cancelled as well.

15mph+ winds are just too much, especially given the field is not free.

So, let’s use the time to get ready for the Stealth Squadron Mid Summer Meet, Ipswich MA  on Saturday, July 24, 2021

See you there Skyster!

click image or here to view May 15 Results 

May 15 Contest Results posted


The Scourge of the Witch Doctors

Another ripping Jack Sharpe Mystery from the author of “The Cursed Squadron”


William Skelly

A Jack Sharpe Mystery

G-2 was facing a menace that threatened its very existence: Mysterious ships, piloted by witch-doctors that could shoot down a man without a single bullet. Jack Sharpe knew something was amiss – and it had something to do with those long-range Gothas!


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August 21 Amesbury Meet Flyer & Pony Express Meet Pics/Results

click image to view full size flyer

August 21 Meet back at Woodsom

Well gang, the Pony Express meet in Ipswich on July 24 was a big success.  We had lots of fun flying on the new field and Sean R won his first Kanone in the hotly contested Embryo Endurance event.  We hope to fly at Pony Express again next year.

But hey, the next Stealth outdoor meet on August 21 is back at the big field at Woodsom Farm in Amesbury.  Check out the Event Flyer (links above) as the event roster has been changed up a bit. 

Golden Age and Modern Civil are being combined so you can fly just about any scale civilian model airplane in this event. 

Goodyear Mass Launch is also being added.  This is for peanut scale models of Goodyear and Formula 1 midget racers.  Rich Z handed out a good selection of model plans at Pony Express – contact him if you want a plan.  We’ll fly this event again in September if you need more time to complete your model. 

As always, experienced flyers will be on hand to help you with any flight trimming or modeling questions. 

See you on the flightline at Woodsom Farm skyster!

Pony Express meet pics & results!


click  here to view July 24 Results 


May 15 Amesbury Meet & April Meet Results

click image to view full size flyer

new events for May Meet!

May outdoor free flight model airplane meets can be among the best – still cool but warming weather, tall but not too tall grass, etc.  We hope you’ll join us for another great day out on Woodsom Farm!

The event roster has been shaken up a bit too.  We’ll be flying Dime Scale, OT Fuselage, Goodyear Mass Launch and the National Air Races in addition to old standbys FAC Scale, Peanut and Embryo Endurance.  So expect to be seeing some new models flying. 

Check out the Flying Aces Club rulebook, or use the Contact Us form on this site if any questions.

We continue to use COVID safety protocols on the field so bring your mask.    Bring your rubber-powered free flight models too and we’ll find an event you can fly in.

See you on May 15 at the Woodsom Farm field!

view April 18 results HERE

Check out Flyer & Event Roster for May 15 meet at Woodsom Farm.  April 18 contest results too!

click to view April 18 Results

3 cheers to the contest director!



Outdoor Flying Season Kicks Off!

(was 17th)

Update: The April 17th Stealth Sqdn meet is moved to Sunday April 18.  Same location, Same Time, same events (see Flyer

Season opener is the  April 18 meet at Woodsom Farm in Amesbury MA.

This is due to predicted poor weather conditions on Saturday 17th.  And better weather predicted on Sunday 18th. 

Mass Launch events will be moved up and begin at 10:30 and hopefully wrap up by 12:30 when Scale judging will begin. The ML schedule will be as follows WW1, Thompson, Greve, and WW2 all run consecutively.

Rubber-powered Free Flight Models Only

 Stealth Sqdn is a rubber FF club and we welcome all who want to try this hobby.  Flying rockets, drones, choppers and fixed wing RC is not permitted. 

“Angus says… Check upcoming dates for meets and contests on the Calendar page or sidebar of this site”




Postal Dime Winners Announced!

Trailing Edge takes the top 3 spots and the Cap!  Daedalus wins the NBM Kanone!

click photos to view full size


Trailing Edge’s Comte AC4 Dimer


Daedalus’ Fairchild PT-19 Dimer
The Wing Commander’s Cap!

And just like that – it’s over.

The snow has melted, the ice has thawed, the crocus are sprouting and the 2021 Postal Dime Contest is closed and in the books.

Trailing Edge Triumphs

And the Wing Commander’s Cap now resides (virtually) in the great state of Virginia with Trailing Edge.  Yep, like it was “no big deal” on a nice mid-January day, the Edge put up three multi-minute flights with three different Dime Scale models.  Quite the aerial FAC Hat Trick for sure.
Our heartiest congrats go out to Trailing Edge for this stellar performance!

Daedalus Wins Top Non-Blue Max Spot

Ah, so it turns out Trailing Edge is a well-known Flying Ace with lots of experience winning contests.  We suspected as much! 
Our top NBM finisher was Daedalus putting in a one minute flight on a small frozen local flying field in Massachusetts.  

Hat’s off to both winners and all of the flyers who braved the winter weather with their fragile stick and tissue models.  From Vermont to Texas and NY, CT, MA, KY, and VA in between, we enjoyed hearing from you.  Stand proud and get ready to go for it again next time!




9 Days Left!

Send your pics & vids to admin@stealthsquadron-fac49.com

Potez dimer after successful Air-Tree Rescue (click to enlarge)
Fairchild PT-19 after a perfect landing on the slight crust atop the deep snow.  Feb 18 (click to enlarge)
  Comte AC4 Dimer (click to enlarge)
(click to view vid) Spitfire Snow Flight Jan 22
Stinson O-49 Rose-James Field, VA Jan 14
Waco launch Rose-James Field VA  Jan 14
Udet Dimer VA Jan 14
Comet Aeroneer Dimer, Old Lyme, CT  Jan
Waco Dimer Jan 14 VA
Potez 34 dimer Tree’d, 3/8/2021 Woodsom Farm

Postal Dimer ends March 17

Hey gang.  Time is running out!  Get your dime scale model in the air and submit an online timesheet (sidebar). 

That’s right – 9 flying days left before the postal dime contest ends on St Patrick’s Day (Mar 17, 2021). 

There has to be at least a couple good weather days between now and then.  Don’t miss your opportunity to get on the Tallyboard!

And don’t forget to send a pic or vid of your model in action or at rest.  We’ll post it here for all to see. 

Light breezes and warm thermals –


                          *   *   *

Zounds!  Has that ghastly Hun Hanz from The Cursed Squadron survived, taken a pseudo-name and commandeered this cute little Swiss Franc (top left) for his dastardly act?

How can such an innocent craft – a reindeer on its sides no less – be used as a tool for mayhem? 

Because that’s what this has become.  The taunt from Trailing Edge himself at the bottom of this post confirms as much. 

He even said the Tom Brady thing…  Of course, he wouldn’t sign Hanz. 

If ever there was a need for Jack Sharpe on the case, this is it!


                          *   *   *

Sacre Bleau!  Like a vagabond on a midnight train, a mystery flyer named Trailing Edge has slipped into our little Postal Contest.

He is the new Wing Commander – and his lead seems insurmountable.   Oh my!

Three Dimers, three flights, three top positions on the Tallyboard.  Even the Bovid Army at Rose James Field couldn’t stop him.

OK now.  We know this event is for fun…sort of like the Drew Carey show where the points don’t matter.  It’s about the show.

BUT…. the Sqdn Commander’s cap spirited away to a place that’s for Lovers?  Pffffftttt!

So, let it snow, let it freeze.  Let the Bonus rise and our models rise further.  It’s not over til it’s over.  Get out there gang.

Send pics & vids of your winter flying adventures to admin@stealthsquadron-fac49.com and we’ll put them up here. 


2021 Postal Dime Scale Contest!

Model Bonus and Temperature Bonus this year.  Use the Postal Timesheet form in the Sidebar or on the Postal Contest page.


Enter your FAC Dime Scale model!

Well gang, things are just not looking good for our indoor flying season this year.  Given that, we’re going to re-run our virtual Dime Scale Postal event this winter.  We had lots of flying and good light-hearted competition last year so let’s do it again.   

Remember, anyone can enter and win whether you’re a Stealth Squadron member or not.  Yes, there’s been some overzealous talk of Dimer duels, but we know this is for fun.   It’s all about getting your model and  moniker on the tallyboard (see Postal Page).

The Contest starts on New Year’s Day Jan 1, 2021 and ends on St. Patrick’s Day March 17, 2021.  All flights are to be made outdoors and there will be a Temperature bonus like last year.  That’s right, the colder the day you fly – the more bonus added to your flight time!   Bonus points for your model will be added as well, per the official FAC Dime Scale rules

Check the latest Results on the  Postal Contest page – we’ll post the top 20 times submitted.  Rules and online Timesheet Form can be found on that page.  Look for the Timesheet Form at the bottom of the sidebar throughout this site as well.

Kick off this new decade with style and submit a flight.  Have fun with it.  We’ll post photos or videos of your model or flight on the Stealth Sqdn site too.   Just send them to

Have at it Skysters!


The Cursed Squadron

Written in the classic Flying Aces style of Arch Whitehouse – this WW1 mystery will keep you on the edge of your seat!


William Skelly

A Jack Sharpe Mystery

Four pilots had been assassinated in the air during the sortie of their fifth kill. The 10th Pursuit was cursed! But Jack Sharpe was on the case, and something seemed fishy about the ghastly Hun and his ultimatum:



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