All Georgetown, MA indoor flying dates have been posted!
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NRE Tribute Goes Viral!
Thanksgiving seems ages ago. The annual Durham Turkey Fly was held the weekend before T-day and the Novak Tribute Event was the highlight. All-sheet Tribute models were flying in Durham and an equal number of flyers participated remotely from Texas and Canada. How about that – an International salute to one of the FAC’s finest, Never Ready Eddie (NRE)!
The Colonel (Paul S who ran the event) will tell us about it below, but first – an ANNOUNCEMENT.
The Georgetown, MA indoor flying meet dates have been added to the Calendar and will appear on the Coming Events in the Sidebar. There will be indoor flying dates each month January – April, 2025 in both Georgetown, MA and Glastonbury, CT. See you in the gym(s) flyers – and don’t forget your Scrappy one design model!
The Colonel’s NRE Tribute Event Recap
“There were 19 entries in the Tribute Event. Four from the Alamo Escadrille in Texas, Six from the Snow Owl (Harfang) Squadron in Montreal, Canada, and Nine from the Pinkham Field Irregulars in Durham.
Tribute models built included 5 Flying Fools, 3 Commando’s, 3 Little Mike’s, 2 Swallow’s, 2 Rigid Midgets, 2 Clodhopper’s, 1 Lil Cloud Sniffer and 1 FAC Beginner’s Racer.
And the Winner was ..(drum roll).. Mike S. and his beautifully decorated Flying Fool.
Mike had Three duplicate flights out of his six officials and his next closest was one second apart. The Snow Owl’s Giorgio T. also had Three duplicate flights, but his next closest official flight was three seconds apart.”
A tip o’ the hat to Mike for some impressively consistent flying with his Flying Fool. And what a pleasure to see Mike with his young family out on the field. And thanks Colonel, we know your cell phone was smoking like an old Hisso with a bad cylinder with all those remote flights getting texted in to Pinkham Field!
Hope we can do it again sometime.
See you in the gym soon skysters!