Fly on the field where the modern Flying Aces Club was born!
An $8 entry fee (free for Under 21!) and you’ll fly with folks that go back to the beginning of the club that re-energized traditional Free Flight rubber modeling.
You can’t beat that.
Check the events on the Flyer. Here’s your chance to fly GHQ Peanut using the original event that legendary Hank Struck first won in 1967. Don’t miss this opportunity.
Hey gang!, September is here and Fall is in the air. This is a beautiful time to fly FF and the forecast is looking up for next weekend. So get those models ready now and plan to join us at Woodsom Farm on Saturday Sept 11.
The field has been recently hayed making it much easier to chase high flying model airplanes.
Check the events roster above. Something to fly for everyone. Don’t forget to bring your Goodyear Racer if you’ve got one.
New folks are always welcome. Bring a Free Flight rubber (or electric) model airplane, or just come along to check out the action. As always, experienced flyers will be on hand to help you with any flight trimming or modeling questions.
The Bumblebee 2 flies! The drama of free flight scale modeling is captured in this action shot. This 13in wingspan model is powered by 2 loops of 3/16 Tan driving a 9in plastic prop. Not many Peanut Scale models can handle this much power.
September Meets coming up!
In August we had two great back to back meets at Pinkham Field (CT) and Woodsom Farm (MA).
Our roving Photog attended both meets and captured the action. Some are presented here. Check the Photos page on this site for lots more pics.
Another two back-to-back meets are scheduled in these same locations in September (9/11 & 9/19). Check the Calendar on this site for the details including CD contacs and Events to be flown.
Fall in New England is the best time to fly Outdoor free flight models so plan to attend one or both of these meets.
Hey gang!, don’t forget the free flight rubber powered model meet tomorrow (Saturday July 24, 2021) at the Pony Express Field in Ipswich, MA! This is a new flying field on Boston’s North Shore.
The Pony Express Field in Ipswich MA is a well maintained grass field much easier to chase on than Woodsom Farm which will be tall hay in the summer months.
Pony Express is a smaller site than Woodsom Farm and flyers may need to take steps (smaller rubber motors and/or fewer winder turns) to keep models on the field.
Smaller site meets are often big fun!
A few seasons back, we had a summertime meet on the Collins Foundation airstrip in Stow, MA and that was a really fun event. Same with the rubber FF meets at the Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome.
So come on out and fly your models on the new Pony Express Field in beautiful Ipswich, MA. As always, experienced flyers will be on hand to help you with any flight trimming or modeling questions.
Well gang, the Pony Express meet in Ipswich on July 24 was a big success. We had lots of fun flying on the new field and Sean R won his first Kanone in the hotly contested Embryo Endurance event. We hope to fly at Pony Express again next year.
But hey, the next Stealth outdoor meet on August 21 is back at the big field at Woodsom Farm in Amesbury. Check out the Event Flyer (links above) as the event roster has been changed up a bit.
Golden Age and Modern Civil are being combined so you can fly just about any scale civilian model airplane in this event.
Goodyear Mass Launch is also being added. This is for peanut scale models of Goodyear and Formula 1 midget racers. Rich Z handed out a good selection of model plans at Pony Express – contact him if you want a plan. We’ll fly this event again in September if you need more time to complete your model.
As always, experienced flyers will be on hand to help you with any flight trimming or modeling questions.
See you on the flightline at Woodsom Farm skyster!
May outdoor free flight model airplane meets can be among the best – still cool but warming weather, tall but not too tall grass, etc. We hope you’ll join us for another great day out on Woodsom Farm!
The event roster has been shaken up a bit too. We’ll be flying Dime Scale, OT Fuselage, Goodyear Mass Launch and the National Air Races in addition to old standbys FAC Scale, Peanut and Embryo Endurance. So expect to be seeing some new models flying.
We continue to use COVID safety protocols on the field so bring your mask. Bring your rubber-powered free flight models too and we’ll find an event you can fly in.
Trailing Edge takes the top 3 spots and the Cap! Daedalus wins the NBM Kanone!
click photos to view full size
Trailing Edge’s Comte AC4 Dimer
Daedalus’ Fairchild PT-19 Dimer
The Wing Commander’s Cap!
And just like that – it’s over.
The snow has melted, the ice has thawed, the crocus are sprouting and the 2021 Postal Dime Contest is closed and in the books.
Trailing Edge Triumphs
And the Wing Commander’s Cap now resides (virtually) in the great state of Virginia with Trailing Edge. Yep, like it was “no big deal” on a nice mid-January day, the Edge put up three multi-minute flights with three different Dime Scale models. Quite the aerial FAC Hat Trick for sure.
Our heartiest congrats go out to Trailing Edge for this stellar performance!
Daedalus Wins Top Non-Blue Max Spot
Ah, so it turns out Trailing Edge is a well-known Flying Ace with lots of experience winning contests. We suspected as much!
Our top NBM finisher was Daedalus putting in a one minute flight on a small frozen local flying field in Massachusetts.
Hat’s off to both winners and all of the flyers who braved the winter weather with their fragile stick and tissue models. From Vermont to Texas and NY, CT, MA, KY, and VA in between, we enjoyed hearing from you. Stand proud and get ready to go for it again next time!
Model Bonus and Temperature Bonus this year. Use the Postal Timesheet form in the Sidebar or on the Postal Contest page.
Enter your FAC Dime Scale model!
Well gang, things are just not looking good for our indoor flying season this year. Given that, we’re going to re-run our virtual Dime Scale Postal event this winter. We had lots of flying and good light-hearted competition last year so let’s do it again.
Remember, anyone can enter and win whether you’re a Stealth Squadron member or not. Yes, there’s been some overzealous talk of Dimer duels, but we know this is for fun. It’s all about getting your model and moniker on the tallyboard (see Postal Page).
The Contest starts on New Year’s Day Jan 1, 2021 and ends on St. Patrick’s Day March 17, 2021. All flights are to be made outdoors and there will be a Temperature bonus like last year. That’s right, the colder the day you fly – the more bonus added to your flight time! Bonus points for your model will be added as well, per the official FAC Dime Scale rules.
Check the latest Results on the Postal Contest page – we’ll post the top 20 times submitted. Rules and online Timesheet Form can be found on that page. Look for the Timesheet Form at the bottom of the sidebar throughout this site as well.
Kick off this new decade with style and submit a flight. Have fun with it. We’ll post photos or videos of your model or flight on the Stealth Sqdn site too. Just send them to
Despite the November date, we had perfect “light and variable winds” conditions for our fourth outdoor contest of the season at Woodsom Farm.
The grass was still soft, the sun still shining warmly, but the foliage was well past-peak. A full slate of Mass Launch events were flown and the less rigorous FAC Simplified Scale was substituted for the scale-judged Flying Aces Scale event. This freed up time for all to fly – and that folks did – putting up many high and long flights in the light air.
The meet ended a few minutes earlier than usual due to Daylight Savings Time, but all seemed interested in flying more oudoors in coming months, even if on a smaller field and in the cold.
So stay tuned to this site for more opportunities to fly!