Designers Challenge: The Cricket

Download Plan, Build Model, Beat Designer’s High Time!

Scroll to End of Post to Download Plan
Steve’s 2nd Cricket Model.   Can you beat his time?
Cricket Rubber Free Flight Model

Join the Challenge Today!

You’ve seen William Skelly’s fabulous Laird Solution model plan – well here’s another super model on the other end of the complexity spectrum.  The Cricket is a simple, high flying  stick model designed by clubster Steve Evans.  Scroll to the bottom of this post to download a copy of the plan.

A Designer’s Challenge has been issued for modelers to build their own Cricket and see if they can beat Steve’s high time.  The Challenge will run through September 15 as an online “Postal” contest.   Check out the  Designer’s Challenge page for the latest Results (we’ll post all times submitted) and an  online Timesheet Form which can also be found at the bottom of the sidebar throughout this site. 

Now, a few words from our Designer Steve:

“Sometimes its nice to take a break from all the stresses of daily life these days and just do something easy, where the rewards are quick and the efforts minimal. I designed the Cricket to be just that and the first one I made rewarded me by nearly flying away, only returning to the field on a favorable breeze. After that model suffered a benchtop “incident” I decided to build a second one and also to offer the plans out (scroll down to download) along with a challenge.

After one trimming session, my best flight so far is 32 seconds. Build the Cricket and see if you can beat that mark!  This is an unofficial online contest that runs until September 15. Results will be posted on the site.”

Good luck and get flying!

Download Cricket Plan (print on three 8.5 x 11in sheets)



The Cricket is a simple, high flying  stick model designed by Stealth Squadron clubster Steve Evans.   Build one and submit your time in the Designer’s Challenge on the Stealth Sqdn website at www.

Amesbury Dates Coming Soon!?

Discussions are underway with the town – stay tuned!

Use the Contact Us form  to learn of informal fun flying in the interim


A Glimmer of Hope

First, cross all your fingers and then all your toes too.

The Rittmeister tells us there is some activity in talking with the town about contest dates for the late summer and fall.

The town has not said “yes” and there are no dates.

Nonetheless, we are hopeful and can see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Hopefully, it’s not an oncoming train.

So, keep building and flying and keep checking back to this site for updates.

Oh,  and a small group of us have been flying weekend mornings at Woodsom.  Reach out to us via the  Contact Us form if you want to get the heads-up when we go out.

Keep Calm, Carry On & Stay safe.

Laird “Solution” Scale Model Plan & 3 View

“Download William’s 3 view and 22in wingspan model construction plan (scroll to end of post)”


William Skelly



The Author taking measurements at the New England Air Museum
Laird “Solution” 3 view
by William Skelly



Laird Solution Construction Plans
& 3 View Drawing

There’s nothing better than when a scale modeler builds a model from plans that he or she has drawn. 

Well, maybe there is – if that modeler/designer has developed their own three-view general arrangement drawing from measurements he has taken from the actual airplane to be modeled!

Such is the case with clubster William Skelly who trekked to the New England Air Museum in Windsor Locks, CT to view the original Laird LC-DW 300 “Solution” in their golden age raceplanes collection.  William convinced Museum management to let him get up close to the one-of-a-kind aircraft and take the measurements needed to compose his own scale 3 view drawing for the Laird.  We’re thrilled to offer William’s drawing to you here as a free download, along with the rubber-powered free flight scale model construction plan he designed and drew from that 3 view. 

By using actual measurements taken from the real airplane along with perspective photos, William eliminated the foibles that often come with designing a model from a previously published 3 view drawing.  Noted model airplane designer Bill Hannan discussed the issue in one of his excellent books, highlighting the discrepancies between published 3 view drawings for the ubiquitous Fokker DVII World War I fighter aircraft.  Bill favored taking measurements from the actual aircraft whenever possible.

After taking a short break from his documenting and designing efforts (it’s not easy, but rewarding), William is now underway with construction of a flying scale model from his plans.   We’re sure he’ll do a real knock-out job of it too.

Why not download your own set of plans and documentation and join along in the build?  We’re sure William would be happy to correspond with any modeler who does.

Thanks again for your excellent contribution, William!

Download 3 View Drawing
Download Construction Plan (print on 8.5 x 11in sheets)
Download Construction Plan (print on one Arch D 24x36in sheet)


NEMES 2020 – Stealth Sqdn A Big Hit

Model Building demos, flight videos, raffles – the gang pulled out all the stops..


 (click image to enlarge) 

shown at

It’s too easy nowadays to forget what things used to be like.
You know, kinda like that huge splash the Stealth squadroneers made at the 2020 New England Model Engineering Society (NEMES) show. 

You may recall that we had a table at the show last year which brought lots of audience interest.  That led to our exhibiting again this year – in fact, our models were featured prominently on the Event Flyer (left column).

The club rallied and met prior to the event, brainstorming several exhibits and then preparing for the big day on Feb. 15, 2020 at the classy Charles River Museum in Waltham.  It all came together flawlessly – what a team!

The Stealth table at NEMES featured the Rittmeister and George S. both building model airplanes in real time.  Rich put together a Pipit ROG and George a Tomahawk embryo endurance model.  The Pipit was raffled off later at the show along with a Piper Cub FF scale model from the Eph estate.  William S. did the raffle awards and boy, were the winners thrilled!

Steve E. and William S. answered many questions at the table from interested folks passing by  and handed out lots of business cards.

Tom N made sure the looping video and powerpoint photo slideshows were running properly.  Images on the big screen really grabbed the attention of show attendees.

After the show, the NEMES folks reached out to the Rittmeister and asked if we could make a presentation at one of their upcoming meetings.  Stay tuned for more on that skysters!




Postal Winner Announced!

three of the top 5 finishers braved sub-20 degree weather to fly..



Tommy Too’s Comet Puss Moth

Well gang, our first Postal Dime Scale contest is in the books.

There was some terrifically inspired flying in foot-deep snow and freezing temperatures to grab at the vaunted Squadron Commander’s cap.

William the Kid held the crown through the New Year, putting up a nice flight over the frigid tarmac of mystical Texas Road field.  Oliver S made a daring  run for the glory in the depths of February with two models (one a twin!) in similarly frosty conditions at a remote Western MA field.

The legendary Pinkham Field Irregulars threw up an aerial armada of Dime Scalers in a futile attempt to purloin the Squadron Commander’s cap off to Connecticut. 

But in the end it was our fickle old friend Hung, who made his presence known on a late January day at Woodsom farm, spiriting Tommy Too’s Puss Moth dimer on a 2:36min thermal ride.  Yes Virginia, there are thermals in the middle of winter!

And look closely at the results skysters – way down, but there nonetheless.  Yep, even Captain Downthrust himself mailed in an entry…how and from where is unknown, but the flight was listed Pinkham Field.  Y’all were in the best of FAC company.  Stand proud and get ready to go for it again next time!




March 22, 29, April 5 Indoor Meets Cancelled!

Due to Corona Virus, the March 22, 29 and April 5 Indoor Flying Sessions are Cancelled.


Updated Indoor Cancellations

We’ve received news of more Indoor meet/flying session cancellations.  Updated list is below.  Please use the Contact Us form if any questions.

 Indoor Meet/Flying Session CANCELLATIONS (so far):

  • Sunday 3/22 at Penn Brook Middle School, Georgetown, MA
  • Sunday 3/29 at Glastonbury High School, Glastonbury CT
  • Sunday 4/5 at Penn Brook Middle School, Georgetown, MA

This is due to the obvious Corona Virus precautions.

We are holding the April 19 Glastonbury Modelers Indoor Contest (full day) on the Calendar for now.  Stay tuned as to developments.

This is a great time to build a model. 

Keep Calm, Carry On & Stay safe.

Time is Running Out!

Get your flights in by 12 midnight on Saint Patrick’s Day, March 17, 2020


Postal Dime Scale Contest Ends Soon!

Like those backyard mechanics scrambling to get their homebuilt speed ship together for the big race — you’re running out of time!

Of course we’re talking about our Postal Dime Scale event which wraps up on St Patty’s Day, March 17.   That’s next Tuesday for those calendar-challenged skysters among us.

So check the skies for thermals, dust off your flying box and stooge and head to the field with your best 10 center in a last ditch bid for glory.  You can do it!  Heck, they said Rudy Kling couldn’t beat those big-horsepower radials in the ’37 Thompson too.

Forget the temperature bonus (unless you’re in Alaska) and hunt for thermals.  The weather’s warming up and the croci are blooming…  It’ll take nearly a 3 minute flight to catch Tommy Too and his Comet Puss Moth, but that’s nothing if you can get your crate up there in Hung’s cloud-cuddling grasp.  You know what they say, nothing ventured..

Check out the Postal Contest page for the latest tally and to submit your flight time using the online timesheet. 

Time is running out!