BLUE 4 Escape

“When he (Will) hit the water it was like hitting concrete, and he went under, getting a nose and a mouth full of water. “


Dr. Richard Zapf

Rescue on the High Sea

Saved from certain death in the skies over the English Channel, Will Smythe of RAF Blue flight manages to live, love and fight another day.  While Will burns through a few more than his allotted lives, love interest Melissa Wells fights her own battles as an ambulance driver on Mother England’s home front.  Are they destined to see each other again?  Only fate knows for sure.

Read Story Now


November 8 Amesbury Meet: Results & Pics

Steve E shows perfect form in this unassisted ROG launch of his Mad Maxine Embryo model.

Click HERE to view Pics!

Despite the November date, we had perfect “light and variable winds” conditions for our fourth outdoor contest of the season at Woodsom Farm.

The grass was still soft, the sun still shining warmly, but the foliage was well past-peak.  A full slate of Mass Launch events were flown and the less rigorous FAC Simplified Scale was substituted for the scale-judged Flying Aces Scale event. This freed up time for all to fly – and that folks did – putting up many high and long flights in the light air.

The meet ended a few minutes earlier than usual due to Daylight Savings Time, but all seemed interested in flying more oudoors in coming months, even if on a smaller field and in the cold.

So stay tuned to this site for more opportunities to fly!

See you on the flying field!

Click HERE to view Pics!

Check out the Contest Results and Photos from our latest November 8 meet at Woodsom Farm!

Click the image to view Contest Results full size

3 cheers to the contest director!



October 11 Amesbury Meet: Results & Pics

Braulio launches Frank. The fall foliage was at its peak at beautiful Woodsom Farm.

Click HERE to view Pics!

The third outdoor contest of the season took place on a gorgeous fall day at Woodsom Farm. The foliage was at its peak, the grass soft and just the right height, and even Covid couldn’t keep flyers’ spirits (or models) down.

Special thanks go out to the many flyers who traveled some distance to fly and compete in the contest. Several new flyers were in attendance and we look forward to seeing them back on the flightline soon. 

We have another outdoor meet scheduled for Sunday November 8 at Woodsom Farm in Amesbury.  Check the date on the Calendar to view the full Contest Flyer.

See you then!

Click HERE to view Pics!

“check out the great photos and contest results from our October 11 meet at Woodsom Farm”

Click on the Image to view Full 10.11.2020 Contest Results.

3 cheers to the contest director!



Stealth Squadron November Meet – Sunday Nov. 8 in Amesbury, MA



Click Image to View Full Size



Free Flight meet at Woodsom Farm 11/8!

Whew!  There’s a lot of free flight rubber powered model airplane flying going on at Woodsom Farm in Amesbury – and that’s a great thing!  Yessir, the stealthy brass hats at GHQ have decided that more flying is just what we all need these days.
What nice folks, eh?  (now don’t you skybosses go gettin’ noggins too big for your brass hats now.)
As usual, all events and details can be found on the Contest Flyer at left and at the link below.   A “rain date” Saturday 11/14 has been reserved in case the weather fails to comply.  Check this site and your email as Nov 8 approaches to confirm the date.   As usual masks and social distancing protocols will be observed at this meet. 

Click the image at left to view the full contest flyer  which includes Directions, Event Roster, Contest Director contact info, etc. 

And because it’s been helpful, here again is a link to the

Flying Aces Club rulebook

All mass launch events except WW1 will be flown on 10% rubber motors to shorten retrieval time.  Note that due to daylight savings time, we may draw the meet to a close a bit earlier than usual in the afternoon.  Not to worry though it’ll still be worth your trip to beautiful Woodsom Farm in Amesbury, MA which is about 30 minutes north of Boston. 

Hope to see you there!!


Stealth Squadron October Meet – Sunday Oct. 11 in Amesbury, MA



Click Image to View Full Size



Free Flight meet at Woodsom Farm 10/11!

UPDATE: Due to more favorable weather/winds, the October Meet will be held on SUNDAY OCT. 11, 2020 and NOT Saturday 10/10 as originally scheduled.
All events and details other than the date will be the same on the Contest Flyer at left and at link below.  See you at Woodsom Farm this Sunday!
Well, the gang had so much fun and good flying at the September meet, that we just had to schedule another one.  That’s right skysters, Saturday Oct 10 Sunday Oct 11, 2020 we’ll be gathering again to fly on the beautiful rolling fields of Woodsom Farm in Amesbury.    You won’t want to miss this one as its going to be a long winter and who knows if indoor flying will be happening at all what with Covid and all.  So..

Click the image at left to view the full contest flyer  which includes Directions, Event Roster, Contest Director contact info, etc. 

As for Events – we’ll have FAC Jet Catapult Scale again – see p14 of

Flying Aces Club rulebook

for rules.   The Greve and Thompson Trophy mass launch events are being combined for this meet into the National Air Race (NAR) mass launch event.  Bring your Thompson, Greve, Bendix or other National Air Race model to fly in this event.  This will make room for a Goodyear Peanut mass launch event which is always fun.  All mass launch events except WW1 will be flown on 10% rubber motors to shorten retrieval time.

Location will be at Woodsom Farm in Amesbury, MA about 30 minutes north of Boston. 
Hope to see you there!!


Sept 12 Amesbury Meet: Results & Pics

Big Truck, Big Hat, Small Model

Click HERE to view Pics!

The second outdoor contest of the season was held September 12, 2020 on the beautiful rolling green fields of Woodsom Farm. 

With Covid 19 still a threat, masks and social distancing protocols were in practice throughout the meet.  This was no great setback to the strong turnout of flyers who came to fly their models and enjoy light breezes and strong thermals this fine autumn day.

Competition was hot as were the thermals.  Unfortunately a number of fine models were lost OOS (out of sight), or over the hill.  The gang will be busy this winter building season rebuilding the fleet! 

We have another outdoor meet scheduled for October 10 at Woodsom Farm in Amesbury.  Look for the Contest Flyer coming soon on this site.

See you then!

Click HERE to view Pics!

“check out the great photos and contest results from our Sept 12 meet at Woodsom Farm”

3 cheers to CD Steve Evans!



Stealth Squadron September Meet – Sept. 12 in Amesbury, MA


click image to view full size

Free Flight meet at Woodsom Farm 9/12!

We just completed a great contest on August 22nd on the beautiful rolling fields in Amesbury.  If you missed out, here is another chance to fly free flight rubber with us on the 12th of September. 

Click the image at left to view the full contest flyer  which includes Directions, Event Roster, Contest Director contact info, etc. 

Events are changed up a little and include a FAC Jet Catapult Scale (see p14 of

Flying Aces Club rulebook

for rules), and special, unofficial, Cricket contest (read about the model and download plan here).

Location will be at Woodsom Farm in Amesbury, MA about 30 minutes north of Boston. 
Hope to see you there!!


Stealth Squadron Summer Contest – August 22 in Amesbury, MA


Click Image to View Flyer Full Size – including directions and contacts

first outdoor contest of 2020!

Well, it’s finally been scheduled….our first outdoor contest of 2020 will be held on the big field at Woodsom Farm in Amesbury on Saturday August 22, 2020.  All safety precautions will be in use – social distancing, masks, etc.  Please come prepared — and come prepared to enter the events and fly!

Click the image at left to view the full contest flyer which includes Directions, Event Roster, Contest Director contact info, etc. 

Location will be at Woodsom Farm in Amesbury, MA about 30 minutes north of Boston. 

Come on out and fly with us.  If you don’t have a model airplane we’ll help you get started in this rewarding hobby.


Designers Challenge: The Cricket

Download Plan, Build Model, Beat Designer’s High Time!

Scroll to End of Post to Download Plan
Steve’s 2nd Cricket Model.   Can you beat his time?
Cricket Rubber Free Flight Model

Join the Challenge Today!

You’ve seen William Skelly’s fabulous Laird Solution model plan – well here’s another super model on the other end of the complexity spectrum.  The Cricket is a simple, high flying  stick model designed by clubster Steve Evans.  Scroll to the bottom of this post to download a copy of the plan.

A Designer’s Challenge has been issued for modelers to build their own Cricket and see if they can beat Steve’s high time.  The Challenge will run through September 15 as an online “Postal” contest.   Check out the  Designer’s Challenge page for the latest Results (we’ll post all times submitted) and an  online Timesheet Form which can also be found at the bottom of the sidebar throughout this site. 

Now, a few words from our Designer Steve:

“Sometimes its nice to take a break from all the stresses of daily life these days and just do something easy, where the rewards are quick and the efforts minimal. I designed the Cricket to be just that and the first one I made rewarded me by nearly flying away, only returning to the field on a favorable breeze. After that model suffered a benchtop “incident” I decided to build a second one and also to offer the plans out (scroll down to download) along with a challenge.

After one trimming session, my best flight so far is 32 seconds. Build the Cricket and see if you can beat that mark!  This is an unofficial online contest that runs until September 15. Results will be posted on the site.”

Good luck and get flying!

Download Cricket Plan (print on three 8.5 x 11in sheets)


Amesbury Dates Coming Soon!?

Discussions are underway with the town – stay tuned!

Use the Contact Us form  to learn of informal fun flying in the interim


A Glimmer of Hope

First, cross all your fingers and then all your toes too.

The Rittmeister tells us there is some activity in talking with the town about contest dates for the late summer and fall.

The town has not said “yes” and there are no dates.

Nonetheless, we are hopeful and can see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Hopefully, it’s not an oncoming train.

So, keep building and flying and keep checking back to this site for updates.

Oh,  and a small group of us have been flying weekend mornings at Woodsom.  Reach out to us via the  Contact Us form if you want to get the heads-up when we go out.

Keep Calm, Carry On & Stay safe.