Supercapacitors offer many advantages as power systems for lightweight Free Flight models
A typical supercapacitor power system
Sam Brauer
Sam’s supercapacitor powered free flight models
Not Your Grandpa’s FF Model!
How often have you heard a bystander say “I used to build models like that as a kid”?
Of course we know our simple stick and tissue models are a combination of art, craftsmanship and engineering. And yes, that rubber strand power source has been around since the beginning of the hobby itself.
A rubber motor is a simple, cheap and incredibly efficient power source, but advances in small electric power systems provide us with an alternative.
Clubster Sam Brauer has been messing around fitting simple and cheap supercapacitor power systems to his small Free Flight models. And he’s had tremendous success as witnessed by our roving reporter at a recent Pinkham Field meet in Durham, CT.
Sam is back with another article sharing his learnings, explaining the advantages of supercap systems and even recommending where to get the components to make your own system. Many thanks to Sam for sharing!
Click the link below to read his article and do keep us posted if you try out a supercap power system!
Evan and dad Rob with SkylarkSean with his new Leopard MothSteve with his new CorvetteSteve K winds his Hi-Climber
Matt’s stunning Pfalz DIII FAC Scale model featured a balsa monocoque fuselage
Outdoor Season opener a big success!
Well gang, the 2022 Stealth Sqdn outdoor flying season got off to a strong start on Saturday May 14.
The weather at Woodsom Farm in Amesbury, MA started off with more wind than expected. But the wind moderated by midday and many long flights were made.
New Models
Flyers were productive over the long winter building season and several new models were seen in the air.
Steve E was spotted flying his big Condor and another new rakish sport model he calls Corvette. Terrific new designs from Steve.
Sean R entered a great flying Leopard Moth in the Golden Age Civil event. We think this was from an EasyBuilt kit.
Several Comet T-Crafts from the Indoor One Design event were seen flitting about.
Vance G put in a few promising test flights with his outstanding new Latecoere FAC Scale Model. Vance built this from enlarged Steve Griebling plans published in an old Crosswinds newsletter.
Tom N flew his new flat-winged Airdevel Fokker Transport dime scale model.
And there were many more.
Hot Competition
Camaraderie and freindly competition is featured in all Stealth Sqdn meets, but there were a couple special moments at the May 14 meet.
Sean R won the hotly contested WW2 mass launch event with his reduced-size version of the Nassise Mustang.
The P-51 “Old Crow” flew straight and long using up much of the field to edge out Tom N’s Polikarpov I-153.
Sean in turn got edged out in the Golden Age/Modern Civil event. His DH Leopard Moth just couldn’t hang in there against Rich Z’s Guillow’s Fairchild 24 which was flown by Evan P.
Vance G’s dainty little General Airistocrat was flying great and won the Peanut Scale event.
It was a great day. See you in June at the Ipswich Polo Field meet skyster!
Fly on the largest grass sod field in the Northeast. This is one of the best FAC contests of the outdoor season with top competitors traveling from MA, CT, VA, NY, Ohio, No. Carolina, and more. Don’t miss this one!
View the full Contest Flyer and Directions to the field. The Days Inn in Middletown NY (Rt 17M) is a good place to stay. Several flyers will be camping on the field as well.
It’s worth the trip! There are lots of opportunities to fly this outdoor season.
View the full Contest Flyer with directions & contacts HERE.
Mark the second Saturday in May on your calendars Skysters! Fly with the Stealth Squadroneers on the beautiful rolling fields of Woodsom Farm in Amesbury, MA.
After being cooped up all winter the gang is ready to get out and fly. Many new models will be shown and flown, so plan to be there!
Events are as posted on the flyer above.
Come out and join the fun even if you don’t have a model. We’ll help you learn more about stick and tissue free flight models and this rewarding hobby.
Clive G’s DH Leopard MothWell be flying Outdoors at Woodsom Farm soon!
Click to view Flyer full-size
Glastonbury April 10 meet Cancelled!
Whew, we’ve got lots of info to share about upcoming club activities!
First, your last opportunity to fly Indoors this season is this coming Sunday April 3. Yep, we’ll be flying in the Penn Brook Middle School gym in Georgetown MA. Check out the flyer at top of this post for the Event roster. See you there!
Check out clubster John Rood’s terrific photos from the March 13 indoor meet here.
And unfortunately the April 10 Meet in Glastonbury CT has been CANCELLED
Good news here gang. A full slate of dates has been set for Outdoor Meets at fabulous Woodsom Farm in Amesbury MA.
Check the Upcoming Dates in the sidebar, or the Calendar page of this site and mark you calendars. Time to get those new models finished up and ready to go!
We’ll be flying many of our popular events at these meets. Look for the specific Contest Flyers to be posted as the dates approach. We’ll be posting the Pinkham Field (Durham CT) meet dates soon too. Lot’s of flying is on the horizon for 2022 for sure!
Trailing Edge repeats and takes the Cap AGAIN! Giov wins the NBM Kanone!
click photos to view full size
Trailing Edge’s Curtiss SBC-3 Dime Scale Model (Published in that great Newsletter MaxFAX – highly recommended!)
The Wing Commander’s Cap!
JetKo was in a commanding position. His 61 sec Aeroneer flight in bone-chilling 12 degree weather yielded a very high bonus-enhanced score.
But March turned and a pair of Curtiss Helldivers appeared screaming out of the late winter sun. The poor Aeroneer was left smoking on the tarmac and the deed was done.
The Wing Commander’s Cap …sigh… Once more it will return to Virginia, that nemesis of the North.
Trailing Edge Triumphs.. Again
Ughh! We’re trying to forget the Tom Brady trash talk after last year’s win. It’s hard. Angus even stacked the deck…. pffft!
We gotta give TE some credit though. He did use a different model to win this time. Not one to fiy the same crate and win year after year. That’s style.
OK, OK TE, a slight tip o the cap to you. Remember though, this ain’t no Schneider Cup and you don’t get to keep the Cap!
Giov Wins Top Non-Blue Max Spot
Well now we’re talking! All the way from the frozen tundra of upstate NY. Angus questioned the vintage of that T-28, but since Giov is a second-time entrant and he also flew a new model. He’s in. Congrats!
We think this might be Giov’s first Kanone. ALL HAIL!
the Billings Baby Bullet!
Sacre Bleau!! Flying rubber-powered stick and tissue models in MINUS ELEVEN DEGREES??!! Yep, all the way from Montana, Baby Bullet truly pegged the Temperature Bonus meter. Bullet finished his DGA-9 Dimer at about 7:15 pm, walked across the street, flew it and got on the Tallyboard. The True Spirit of the Skies! Kudos to OOS Sand and NRE for similar Spirit. A tip o the cap to you all!
Model Class will build the 30in wingspan Condor pictured here
March 13 next Indoor Contest
Click on the Contest Flyer image at left to view the details.
While you’re at it check out the Feb 6 contest results at left as well.
Oh, and there’s only about a week to ten days left to get in your Postal Dime Contest entry. We’ve had a few more entries and it looks like our southern flyers are in the catbird seat again! Will it be you that gives the C’ville Flyer a run?
2022 Modeling Class starts March 16
You may recall that clubster Steve Evans ran a model airplane building class last year where a bunch of folks built and flew his Skylark design. If you missed it, check out the report with pics here.
Well, Steve’s at it again and the new Roudenbush class will start on March 16. There’s still time to Register, but you better do it quick! Click on the link below and the Hobbies/Gaming subheader link from there to register.
The 30 inch wingspan Condor pictured in flight in the header photo will be the class build subject. This is a bigger model than Skylark and will be just a super flyer. We really like that flat wing center section.
Hopefully, we’ll see a bunch of these flying out on Woodsom Farm this coming outdoor season.
Model Bonus andNEW Temperature Bonus this year. Use Postal Timesheet form in the Sidebar or on the Postal Contest page.
Better Late Than Never!
Okay, okay, we hear you.
The Postal Contest is now officially ON!
As always The Contest ends on St. Patrick’s Day March 17, 2022 and all flights are to be made outdoors .
Check the latest Results on the Postal Contest page – all times submitted will be posted. Rules and online Timesheet Form can be found on that page. Look for the Timesheet Form at the bottom of the sidebar throughout this site as well.
New Temperature Bonus
Eagle eye Angus spotted some inequities in last years crush by that dastardly flyer Trailing Edge. The boss noted TE’s boasting about the top 3 flights submitted, his merciless Brady Bashing and the fact that TE’s flights were made in positively balmy conditions.
So, he came up with a new Temperature Bonus Table below (we’re pretty sure the rumors that somebody slipped Angus a Fin are untrue)
Angus says that the idea is to keep it close and interesting. He says it’s all for fun anyway (hmmm…)
So have at it Skysters!
Send any pics and videos and we’ll share on this site. Use the Contact Form if any questions or comments (to Angus of course, not me)