Like puppets on a string, four FF scale models jockey for position in the 2nd sortie in the World War 1 combat event.
Flying at Woodsom Farm!
The day dawned overcast and chilly.
But that didn’t deter the intrepid Stealth Squadroneers who showed up at Woodsom Farm in Amesbury, MA to fly their model airplanes.
Clubster John Rood and spouse Kathi made the trek from Boston and captured some great moments. We’ve presented a few here, but check this Link to see the entire collection.
Kathi did a most excellent job of managing most of the mass launch events too. Many thanks Kathi & John – what a terrific group of folks we have in this club.
Clubster Steve Evans flew his elegant Skylark rubber free flight sport and endurance model. Our roving photog captured this neat flight VIDEO. Steve is teaching a model building course at the Roudenbush Center in Westford, MA where they’re building the Skylark. Contact him at if you’d like to join the course and the build.
And the outdoor flying season isn’t over yet! Two November meets are scheduled for 11/6 (Amesbury, MA) and 111/14 (Durham, CT). Don’t miss these last chances to fly outside with the gang this year.
John Stott few the original Blip model from the Dave Stott hangar. This model has personality and was a construction feature in a long ago issue of Model Builder magazine. Blip flew great for John as it always had for Dave. Fun!
Flying at Pinkham Field!
The Fall meet on the same field where many of the early Flying Aces Club meets were held was a lot of fun. The wind was up in the morning (still flyable), but had dropped by mid afternoon which resulted in many nice flights. Sometimes it pays to wait to get your official flight in for the events.
Clubster and FAC IT Czar Rick Pendzick was awarded his Blue Max by John Stott while Phineas looked on with approval.
Our roving Photog captured the action. Some are presented here. Check the Photos page on this site for lots more pics.
Next meets coming up are October 9 back at Woodsom Farm in Amesbury, followed by a couple of season-ending meets in November. Check the Calendar on this site for the details including CD contacs and Events to be flown.
Hey gang!, September is here and Fall is in the air. This is a beautiful time to fly FF and the forecast is looking up for next weekend. So get those models ready now and plan to join us at Woodsom Farm on Saturday Sept 11.
The field has been recently hayed making it much easier to chase high flying model airplanes.
Check the events roster above. Something to fly for everyone. Don’t forget to bring your Goodyear Racer if you’ve got one.
New folks are always welcome. Bring a Free Flight rubber (or electric) model airplane, or just come along to check out the action. As always, experienced flyers will be on hand to help you with any flight trimming or modeling questions.
The Bumblebee 2 flies! The drama of free flight scale modeling is captured in this action shot. This 13in wingspan model is powered by 2 loops of 3/16 Tan driving a 9in plastic prop. Not many Peanut Scale models can handle this much power.
September Meets coming up!
In August we had two great back to back meets at Pinkham Field (CT) and Woodsom Farm (MA).
Our roving Photog attended both meets and captured the action. Some are presented here. Check the Photos page on this site for lots more pics.
Another two back-to-back meets are scheduled in these same locations in September (9/11 & 9/19). Check the Calendar on this site for the details including CD contacs and Events to be flown.
Fall in New England is the best time to fly Outdoor free flight models so plan to attend one or both of these meets.
Hey gang!, don’t forget the free flight rubber powered model meet tomorrow (Saturday July 24, 2021) at the Pony Express Field in Ipswich, MA! This is a new flying field on Boston’s North Shore.
The Pony Express Field in Ipswich MA is a well maintained grass field much easier to chase on than Woodsom Farm which will be tall hay in the summer months.
Pony Express is a smaller site than Woodsom Farm and flyers may need to take steps (smaller rubber motors and/or fewer winder turns) to keep models on the field.
Smaller site meets are often big fun!
A few seasons back, we had a summertime meet on the Collins Foundation airstrip in Stow, MA and that was a really fun event. Same with the rubber FF meets at the Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome.
So come on out and fly your models on the new Pony Express Field in beautiful Ipswich, MA. As always, experienced flyers will be on hand to help you with any flight trimming or modeling questions.
Clubster Sam Brauer flies all types and sizes of free flight rubber powered model airplanes, both indoors and outdoors. In this article, he presents his experience with commercially available plastic propellers and the rubber motors that power them.
The prop and rubber motor combination is one of the strongest contributors to flight duration. Certain props and rubber motors work better with certain models.
Sam has tried most all of the combinations over his modeling career. His article presents many thought -provoking ideas (e.g., easily made prop mods) and includes an informative Table listing different plastic props, key specifications and suitable rubber sizes.
This is really good stuff for anyone starting out in the hobby.
Experienced modelers will benefit from a new perspective on prop/rubber that may help increase their models performance.
Well gang, the Pony Express meet in Ipswich on July 24 was a big success. We had lots of fun flying on the new field and Sean R won his first Kanone in the hotly contested Embryo Endurance event. We hope to fly at Pony Express again next year.
But hey, the next Stealth outdoor meet on August 21 is back at the big field at Woodsom Farm in Amesbury. Check out the Event Flyer (links above) as the event roster has been changed up a bit.
Golden Age and Modern Civil are being combined so you can fly just about any scale civilian model airplane in this event.
Goodyear Mass Launch is also being added. This is for peanut scale models of Goodyear and Formula 1 midget racers. Rich Z handed out a good selection of model plans at Pony Express – contact him if you want a plan. We’ll fly this event again in September if you need more time to complete your model.
As always, experienced flyers will be on hand to help you with any flight trimming or modeling questions.
See you on the flightline at Woodsom Farm skyster!