FLy Indoors at the Penn Brook School!
The Stealth Squadroneers will host their first indoor meet of the season this coming Sunday January 15, Martin Luther King Day.
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Club Website
The Stealth Squadroneers will host their first indoor meet of the season this coming Sunday January 15, Martin Luther King Day.
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Indoor Contests: January 8 in Glastonbury, CT & January 15 in Georgetown MA
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Do you remember when we used to fly free flight rubber models in the MIT Dupont Gym in Cambridge MA? Perhaps you flew there with us.
Bird Dog high time event at first Georgetown Indoor Meet Jan 15. Send pics of your Dog.
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Hey! Who Let the (Bird) Dogs Out!
Yeah, this is one pack you want to be running with, so get those balsa chips flying. Don’t miss out. The gang will be flying these in the Penn Brook school gym in Georgetown, MA soon.
And shhhhh – don’t tell the town Dog Catcher! Hawww
That’s right. The first Stealth Sqdn indoor meet is just after the New Year rings in – January 15, 2023 to be precise.
Check out the Flyer HERE and mark your calendar now.
Send those pics of your Bird Dog – whether it’s all finished up or still under construction. No matter. These things are FUN and your pic will inspire your fellow clubsters to get theirs over the finish line.
See you on the flightline skyster!
Oh my, it’s December already! And I haven’t got my One Design model completed for the 2022-23 Indoor Flying Season. And…and there’s TWO of them to build too!
Time flies while we’re having fun, eh?
So, our stealthy webmaster finally updated the One Design page on the Stealth Sqdn site. Check it out. You’ll find the all important Rules here in case you lost the original emails these were sent out with. Use the Contact Us form to find out how you can get a short kit or plan for the Potez dimer. We’ve got some great Bird Dog docs to share with you as well. Color schemes, 3 views, detailed pics and more from the Bird Dog Squadron Signal publication. Just ask via the Contact Us form and we’ll shoot the good stuff off to you.
Hopefully some of the pics on the One Design page will get your building juices flowing. And yes, please send us pics of your in progress or completed One Design builds to We’ll get them up on this site for all to see.
See you in the gym skyster!
In appreciation
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Our simple hobby is really all about the people. You already knew that, right? We have a common love of things that fly.
Our friendships are long lasting. We keep and sometimes lose old friends, but then we make new ones. It is nature’s way.
Let’s start with the new. Clubster Steve E. reports that graduates of his latest Model Airplane Class at the Roudenbush in Westford, MA successfully flew their new Tomahawk Embryo models at the Texas Road field. The smiling cadets in our heading photo are (L-R) Alan M, Rob L, Bill B and David A. Way to go gang, and thanks Steve for leading the class. We look forward to seeing our new friends and their models at our meets.
Now for some sad news. We recently lost longtime clubster and pal George Nason to Parkinsons disease. George was a creative soul, quick with a smile and a good word – a fixture at our flying meets and club meetings. Richard Z shares stories from his many years of close friendship with George, his modeling mentor.
Click the link below to read his tribute.
Happy Thanksgiving skysters!
Stay tuned to this site for info on the Guillows Bird Dog one design for the upcoming indoor season.
Georgetown Indoor Flying & Contest Dates added to Calendar
(View Flyer for Events)
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Wow, near 70 degree temps on a November day in New England with blue skies! A perfect day for flying free flight rubber models – well, except for the wind. Yep, it blew 12-15mph most of the day for our outdoor season close meet at Woodsom Farm in Amesbury, MA.
Still, many outstanding flights were made. Flyers had to wind their motors carefully lest they fly their models off even the big green fields of Woodsom Farm. Several models were lost with at least one OOS (out of sight) flight into a cloud. The mass launch events were hotly contested with several very close and unexpected finishes.
Carlisle ace George S. had a great contest with three wins for the hat trick. Son William S. was not so lucky, his Tomahawk Embryo stomped by a stick & tissue loving dog and his beautiful Laird Solution racer smashed by a Hungly gust while on the winding stooge. Oh, the carnage! All wail!
Steve E continued his winning ways in Pinkham Stick with his high flying Goose canard and copped a second Kanone with his Mad Maxine Embryo Endurance model. Clive G.’s Debut was hot on Maxine’s heels, but made a bee line downwind for the tree line at the hill and was lost on its first official flight. Oh Hung, hath thee no mercy??
Clive settled the score somewhat with a win in the Golden Age Civil event.
Sam and young Tristan trekked to the meet and flew several events. No Kanones (first place finishes) at this meet, but they had big fun flying with the gang and that’s really what it’s all about.
There were lots more flyers and models to see, but we’re running out of room here. Our roving photog did capture some of the action and we’re happy to share it below.
Oh, one more thing. The Georgetown indoor dates have been set. Check the Calendar and the flyer at the top of this post. Get building and see you on the flightline skyster!
It’s going to be a long, cold winter. The time to build and fly indoors is fast approaching.
But the forecast is for blue skies and warm temps this coming Saturday November 5 for our season closer meet at Woodsom Farm in Amesbury, MA.
Mark your calendar now. Your fellow Stealth Squadroneers will be out at the field flying stick & tissue model airplanes. Make a point to join in on the fun.
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Outdoor season finale at Woodsom Farm is Saturday Nov. 5
(View Flyer)
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Whew, there’s so much going in our local free flight model airplane clubs that it’s tough to keep up!
Let’s do a quick summary. First, despite a fair amount of wind at Woodsom Farm for the October 8 contest, there was a lot of good flying (and chasing). A number of flights flew off the field and into the rough, but fortunately most of these were found and retrieved. The Embryo Endurance event was hotly contested and sadly Steve E.’s Corvette was lost after putting in one of its best flights ever. All wail! Rumor has it Steve is already building a new and better Corvette.
We have one more outdoor meet at Woodsom on November 5 and the outdoor season finale at Whites Farm in Durham, CT is on November 13. We’re betting on good weather for these meets.
Next, we have real reason to celebrate – after two missed seasons due to Covid, we’ll be flying again in the Glastonbury H.S. gym (CT) this coming indoor season. The first flying session is this coming Sunday Oct. 23! See all of the flying dates on the official flyer at the top of this post, or on the Calendar page of this website.
On top of all this, we’ll be flying a full schedule in the Penn Brook school in Georgetown, MA this indoor season as well. Flying there will begin in January 2023 and run through April. Look for dates and flyers to be posted to the Calendar page soon.
On October 29, the Stealth Squadroneers will gather at Roma’s restaurant in Haverhill, MA to celebrate the 100th birthday of Golden Age Reproductions honcho and FAC Hall of Famer, Jim Fiorello. Hit us up via the Contact Us form on the site and we’ll share the details. We’d love to see you there!
Finally, keep your eyes peeled for more info, tips, etc on the one-design models for the indoor season. Clubsters will be building the Nallen Potez 34 dimer and the Guillow’s Bird Dog. Yessir, the balsa chips will be flying as the weather cools here in New England.
See you on the flightline skyster!
Ah, the hurricane wind and wet will be passed, the air will be crisp and the leaves will be turning.
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