5min+ ROW Free Flight Rubber Powered Model Airplane

About 10 miles north of the Massachusetts border where the Connecticut River bends to starboard and flows south toward Long Island Sound, lies a tranquil place called Retreat Meadows.  Here, a special breed of aeromodellers fly their aircraft free, rising off the still waters into the cool Vermont sky.

Our Stealth Squadron roving reporter recently caught up with Jim Woolwough, to learn more about his fantastic free flight rubber model “Thin Ice” and the quest for a 5 minute rise-off-water (ROW) flight over Retreat Meadows.

For perspective: the standing Mulvihill Rubber ROW world record flight is 5min 44sec made by Robert Hauk on September, 7, 2019.
In 1929, Bert Pond (AMA Hall of Fame) held the ROW world record with a 2min 52 sec flight made with an “A Frame” Twin Pusher on floats.

Jim Woolnough describes “Thin Ice” his fantastic model airplane and the quest for a 5 minute rise-off-water (ROW) flight

Retreat meadows, Vt – site of the flight

(click to enlarge)


2019-20 Indoor Season Kicks Off!

fly in the gym!

OK gang, the weather’s turning colder and the Indoor flying season is here.

Check the links at right to see the dates in Georgetown and Glastonbury.  Glastonbury kicks off on Sunday Nov. 10, while Georgetown kicks off on Jan. 5.  

There are lots of opportunities to fly free flight rubber in the gyms.  Don’t forget to build your Pipit and join the fun!

“click the links below to view flying dates in Georgetown, MA and Glastonbury, CT”


Outdoor Flying Season Is Here!

Get out and fly!

OK gang, the Indoor flying season is done.

Blue skies and warmer weather is here so get outside and find some boomer thermals to fly your model into.

Season opener is the May 4, 2019 meet at Woodsom Farm in Amesbury MA.

Take a break from the building board.  Come on out and join your pals on the flying field!

“Angus says… Check upcoming dates for meets and contests on the Calendar page or sidebar of this site”