October 8 Stealth Sqdn Meet in Amesbury

Free Flight at Woodsom Farm!

Ah, the hurricane wind and wet will be passed, the air will be crisp and the leaves will be turning.

Fall is the best time to fly on Woodsom Farm.   Come join your pals on the flightline skyster!

Full Contest Flyer

with Directions & Contacts


Recap: Aug & Sept Meets at Woodsom Farm

Next Stealth Squadron meet is October 8 at Woodsom Farm
(View Flyer)

click images to view larger

All Axis WW1 Mass Launch sortie
Chris winds Eph’s Fairchild 24
Rittmeister and Comet Arado dimer
Sean watches his Jackrabbit scoot by
Bill M shows his new GAR Albatros DV. Flies great with scale dihedral!
Steve E launches Goose, the Pinkham Field Stick event winner


Great Weather, Great Flying!

Well gang, the club flying events have been coming in rapid succession as the curtain begins to draw on the outdoor season. 

Yep, between Woodsom Farm (Amesbury MA) and Whites Farm (Durham CT) a whole lot of Free Flight model flying’s been going on.

And it’s not over.  Our next meet is at Woodsom Farm on Oct 8.  Check out the event Flyer and see you on the field!

Pinkham Field Stick

The inaugural Pinkham Stick event at Woodsom Farm was a success.  Steve Evans brought his new “Goose” and won the event.  Steve sent along a plan for the high-flying Goose and we’ve posted it for download on our new Pinkham Stick web page.  Build one!

read about the Winning flight

See it on Youtube 


August 20 Meet

Kanone Report, Stealth Squadron Aug 2022, Page 1

Kanone Report, Stealth Squadron Aug 2022, Page 2

September 10-11 Meet

Kanone Report, Stealth Squadron Sept 2022, Page 1

Kanone Report, Stealth Squadron Sept 2022, Page 2

Kanone Report, Stealth Squadron Sept 2022, Page 3

See you on the flightline on October 8 skyster!


September 18 Fall Fly-In Meet – Durham CT


join us!

The next local meet is this coming Sunday Sept 18 at Whites Farm in Durham, CT about a 2hr drive from Boston. 

View the full contest flyer which includes the event roster, Contest Director contact info, etc. 

Directions to Whites Farm in Durham

Several Stealth Sqdn members will be attending and competing to represent our club.  Make the drive and join in the fun!


Flying Fun with Pinkham Field Stick

Fly Pinkham Field Stick at  the upcoming 2 day Stealth Squadron meet
(View 9/10-11 Flyer)



Steve E’s Cricket Stick model
The Rittmeister’s Pipit!
AMA Alpha available from Peck Polymers (see text)
John K’s record-setting Marchi Cloud Chaser.  Read more about the Epic Flight


Simple is Good!

A new event has been added to the upcoming Stealth Squadron meets – Pinkham Field Stick. 

This is an event for simple quick-to-build, stick fuselage models intended to maximize participation and fun on the field with minimal up-front investment in time and resources.  The rules/guidelines for this event are as simple as the models themselves:

The folks in Durham, CT have been flying this event for years and at the Mid Summer Melt meet a couple of weeks ago a new Pinkham Field Stick record was established with a 17min on-the-field flight.   This is the longest flight we can recall where the model was launched, landed and retrieved from the same field.

read about the flight

These simple free flight models can deliver thrilling thermal flights.  They’re a great first step toward a full-bodied FF rubber sport or scale model and a fantastic way to hone your FF flight trimming chops. 

There are many rubber-powered FF stick model designs out there.  The recent Pipit one-design is good to fly in the event so if you’ve got one bring it to the meet and you’re in.  The great flying AMA Alpha ready-to-fly model also qualifies and may be the quickest and simplest way to get into the event.  Plus the Alpha comes with a winder that you’ll be able to use with your next rubber powered free flight model.   The Alpha is available from local supplier Peck & Polymers .

We’ve set up a new Pinkham Field Stick Plans & Tips page on this site to support this event.  The plans are free to download – check them out and maybe one will catch your eye.  Or better yet, design your own model.  Keep your eyes peeled for design, construction and flying tips as well!


Amesbury September 2 Day Contest Flyer Finalized!

Sept 10&11, Mark your Calendar !

Lots of Events over two days on the beautiful rolling fields of Woodsom Farm. 

We’ll be flying a couple of new events including Pinkham Field Stick for simple easy to build stick models. Bookmark this web page now and check back often as we’ll have more on this soon!  Think plans, tips, etc.
Fall is the best time to fly on Woodsom Farm.   See you on the flightline skyster!

Full Contest Flyer

with Directions & Contacts


Saturday Aug 20 Woodsom Farm Meet Cancelled – Fun Fly Instead

Fun Fly is On!

As of mid-week, the Hay Field at Woodsum was un-mowed.  With waist high hay, model retrieval will be very difficult and models will likely be lost.  

The brass hats have decided to cancel the Free Flight Model Airplane Contest and replace it with a Fun Fly on one of the smaller mowed fields at Woodsom.

We will run a morning Fun Fly and with some luck run the 10% ML events and maybe Embryo, Dime Scale and Simple Scale.  We’ll be meeting at 9AM in the Woodsom Farm parking lot off Lions Mouth Road in Amesbury. 

Hope to see you there tomorrow morning for the Fun Fly.

Also, please remember that we’ll be running a two day Contest at Woodsom on September 10,11.   Check out the Contest Flyer and get your models ready for that meet!

See you on the flightline skyster!


Sam’s Trimming Guide for Challenging Aircraft

Remember: Meets at Woodsom Farm in Amesbury on August 20, and September 10-11, 2022.  See you there!


Sam Brauer

Look for the “smile in the trailing edge of the port wing- but a straight line in the starboard wing

Advanced Flight Trimming Techniques

You may have seen clubster John Koptonak’s 10 Step Trimming Guide in a recent Flying Aces Club newsletter.  It’s a great piece and has been helpful to many folks in getting their Free Flight models to fly.

Sam Brauer goes a bit further with his article presented here.  Sam focuses on low-winged models which we all know can be tricky to trim out.  In his article, Sam discusses on-field aerodynamic adjustments (washout, decalage, rudder, thrustline and weight) and their impact on model airplanes in free flight.
(NOTE: Webster’s defines decalage as the difference in angle of incidence of the two wings of a biplane, but for our purposes decalage is the difference in angle of incidence between the wing and the horizontal stabilizer of a model airplane.)

Sam knows what he’s talking about.  At the recent 2022 FAC Nationals meet in Geneseo, he ran deep into the final heats of several very competitive mass launch events. 

Great job carrying the torch for the Stealth Sqdn, Sam.  And thanks for sharing your flight trimming techniques!  

Click the link below to read the article.

Read Article Now


Upcoming Amesbury Flying Meets & Geneseo FAC Nationals Pics

We’re back Flying at Woodsom Farm in Amesbury on August 20, and September 10-11, 2022.

click images to view full size

Top Dog FAC 2022 Nationals in Geneseo
Sam launches Super Capacitor-powered Wildcat
Tom Frank John and John w Howell Miller Racers
The Texas Kellys with their Corsairs
John K launches his JetCat into Geneseo Sky
Geneseo Flyers Relax Over Ice Cream
Claudette Imelda and John at Registration Table

Mark your calendars skysters!

Woo Hoo!  We’re back flying on the big field at Woodsom Farm for our next two meets.  Grab that pencil and mark your calendars now gang, ’cause you don’t want to miss any of the ozone-splitting free flight aero-action!

Saturday, August 20, 2022 – Stealth Squadron Late Summer Meet, Amesbury MA

Saturday & Sunday, September 10-11, 2022- Stealth Squadron Early Fall Meet, Amesbury MA

FAC Nationals 2022 – Geneseo, NY

Ah yes!  Mecca for FACers worldwide and the stick and tissue FF modeling paparazzi for the last 4o years.. the Big Show..G-town.. G-tropolis.. the Flying Aces Club Nationals at Geneseo in beautiful upstate New York.

This year the big Meet ran from Wednesday July 13 through Saturday July 16.  The weather was fabulous with light and variable winds on several of the flying days and no rain.  Saturday was magical with bright skies, thermals and nary a breath of wind for most of the day.   Many long cloud-hopping flights were put up, often with the model landing a short stroll away from the launch point.

The Stealth Sqdn, Glastonbury Modelers and Pinkham Field Irregulars were well represented with several clubsters placing high among the finishers in several big events.

A special shout out is in order for clubsters Claudette M and Imelda K who helped FAC IT czar Rick P with Entrant Registration for the Contest.  Claudette also spent a lot of time in the GHQ tent processing timing slips – and she even helped run at least one mass launch event out on the field.  Our hats are off to you both – you’re the best!

Speaking of the best – John R was there with his trusty iphone capturing the action as it unfolded.  We’ll let his pictures tell the story.  We’ve posted a few here, but you can see the full FAC Nats 2022 collection HERE.  Many thanks for these John!

We know a bunch more Stealth Squadroneers would have loved to have made it to the Nats.  Hopefully next year we’ll see you there skyster!

Ipswich Pony Express Photos – June 25 meet

Clubster John R. took some great photos!  Check them out HERE

click images to view full size

Rich Z’s FAC Scale winning Ercoupe
Sean R launches his spiffy new Nassise P-40
Vance Gs beautiful Kalinen ambulance a/c.
WW1 hijinks. George’s SE5 won the event
Tom N’s new Sopwith Tabloid fell to George S’ SE-5 in the WW1 Combat event

Great weather, Light Turnout

Some folks were on vacation.  Some folks were at the beach.  And some folks were enjoying a long leisurely bike ride (clubster Steve K did stop by on his Cannondale to check out the flying action). 

Maybe it was the rescheduled date from the previous weekend which was very windy.  Regardless, it was a terrific flying day with light winds and thermals.  A couple models landed in the nice shade trees ringing the field, but were retrieved without damage.  Flying at the Pony Express field was low-key with lighthearted yet keen competition.   A fine time was had by all.

A hearty thanks goes out to Rich Z who made the arrangements for the field and worked with the town to reschedule the meet to a day with better weather.  Well done!

Genial John R. drove up from Boston and had his iphone working overtime capturing the action.  It’s always fun to see John’s pictorial take on our meets.

Check out John’s pics at https://photos.app.goo.gl/dQHaAjcxEN1vfAuT7

John says have some fun with the pics – go ahead and post your comments/captions, etc.

Thanks skysters!

Stealth Squadron Early Summer Meet, Ipswich MA June 25

rescheduled to June 25!

Due to high winds, the 6/18/2022 meet at the Pony Express Field in Ipswich has been RESCHEDULED TO SATURDAY 6/25/2022.  Same place (Pony Express, Ipswich), time (9AM start) and events (view the full Contest Flyer with Directions to the field HERE – note this flyer still carries the old date).

The weather is looking much better for the 25th and we hope to see you all there! 


Rich, William & Tom fly Harry’s Cessna dimer in the wind!