5min+ ROW Free Flight Rubber Powered Model Airplane

About 10 miles north of the Massachusetts border where the Connecticut River bends to starboard and flows south toward Long Island Sound, lies a tranquil place called Retreat Meadows.  Here, a special breed of aeromodellers fly their aircraft free, rising off the still waters into the cool Vermont sky.

Our Stealth Squadron roving reporter recently caught up with Jim Woolwough, to learn more about his fantastic free flight rubber model “Thin Ice” and the quest for a 5 minute rise-off-water (ROW) flight over Retreat Meadows.

For perspective: the standing Mulvihill Rubber ROW world record flight is 5min 44sec made by Robert Hauk on September, 7, 2019.
In 1929, Bert Pond (AMA Hall of Fame) held the ROW world record with a 2min 52 sec flight made with an “A Frame” Twin Pusher on floats.

Jim Woolnough describes “Thin Ice” his fantastic model airplane and the quest for a 5 minute rise-off-water (ROW) flight

Retreat meadows, Vt – site of the flight

(click to enlarge)


2019-20 One Design: Plans & Rules

Fly your PIPIT at upcoming indoor flying sessions & contests in Georgetown, MA, or Glastonbury, CT


Download Rules & Plans Here!

Build the simple 12 inch wingspan PIPIT ROG and join the fun in the gym!

NOTE: this model qualifies to enter the FAC Pinkham Field Stick events flown at the Durham CT outdoor FAC contests and mini-meets  as well.


Clubster Designs & Builds Retracting Gear Mechanism

Dayton-Wright RB1 Automatic Retracting Landing Gear

OK gang, we’ve heard the rumors that clubster William Skelly has been busy building a new peanut scale model with a landing gear that retracts after takeoff. 

Well, it’s official – William has completed his Dayton-Wright RB-1 model and logged his first official ROG (Rise Off Ground) flight with the gear retracting after takeoff. 

We caught up with William at the Glastonbury Modelers Spring Fling last Sunday in the Glastonbury HS gym and got the lowdown.  He even shared an illustrated design document (link under the video) so you can build your own.  Our hat’s off  to William and his nifty design!


Stealth Squadron Exhibits at NEMES

It came as a pleasant surprise when THE STEALTH SQUADRON was invited to exhibit at the New England Model Engineering Society(NEMES) model engineering show at the Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation, Waltham MA. The museum allows NEMES to put on a show every February. NEMES is an eclectic organization and the show included everything from live steam to compressed air engines, gunsmiths and water powered displays. Herb
Cotterly a Stealth Squadron member demonstrated his ¼ scale model A engine. Six members of the Stealth Squadron put on a display of our stick and tissue models. From the start, there was considerable interest. Even prior to the show opening other exhibitors made a visit to our table and when the doors opened at 10am we had a crowd of three deep, and many people signed Steves sheet to get info off of our website. Many of those visiting the table shared stories of building and crashing Guillow models in their youth, and had no idea that An organization like the FAC existed! One can only hope that such interest will swell our membership. NEMES impressed enough that we are invited back next year and we have been asked to give a presentation at one of their monthly meetings.

Welcome to the Stealth Squadron!

We are an active group of free flight aircraft model builders dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the hobby.

Based in Massachusetts, the Stealth Squadron is fortunate to count among its members some of the true masters of the trade.  All club members are very supportive and freely share information and encouragement.

We welcome you to our web site and hope that you will get involved!