3/9 Georgetown Indoor & NRE Event Update

See you at the Sunday, March 9  Georgetown, MA meet

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Capt. Struhl’s Tubular Terror – a new addition to the NRE Tribute Event Fleet!
Sam B. continues to advance the Super Capacitor powertrain for stick & tissue free flight models. His GAR Cub flew very realistically in the Glastonbury HS gym.
2025 Durham CT Whites Farm Mini Meet & Full Day Contest Schedule
There was lots of activity going on at the February Glastonbury HS flying session.

Daylight Savings too

Remember, set your clocks ahead 1hr Saturday night March 8!

You don’t want to show up an hour late for this Sunday’s indoor flying at the Penn Brook Middle School in Georgetown, MA. 

We’ve got a bunch of updates to share this time around gang.  Read on!

Georgetown 2/23 Indoor Results

There was lots of great flying going on at the rescheduled indoor meet in the Penn Brook school gym on February 23.  No pics this time, but we can share the contest event results (thanks Steve!)

2/23/2025 FAC Kanone Report Sheet 1

2/23/2025 Kanone Report Sheet 2

The indoor flying season is drawing short – you still have time to make official Scrappy One Design flights  (see Scoreboard in sidebar).

Durham, CT Outdoor Dates Posted

As usual, there are four Full Day outdoor Flying Aces Club contests scheduled this year.  The Spring Fling (Jun. 8), Mid-Summer Melt (Aug. 10), the Fall Fly-In (Sep. 14) and the Turkey Fly (Nov. 16).  Check the Calendar and Coming Events on this site to view the Meet Flyers for all the details. 

There are also Mini Meets scheduled for mornings on the first Sunday of most months during the outdoor season.   See the dates on the Pinkham Field (Durham) schedule HERE.
Ed Novak Tribute Event Updates

The NRE Tribute Event was a huge success at the Turkey Trot Contest back in November 2024 at Pinkham Field (Whites Farm) in Durham, CT.  This event will be run again at the Durham, CT FAC meets this year.  Check the Pinkham Field schedule for the specifics. 

And guess what?  A new all-sheet sport design in the spirit of the Tribute Event has been added to the roster.  Capt. Dick Struhl’s Tubular Terror!  Download a scan of the original plan and construction article for the Terror on the NRE Tribute Event page on this site.  What a deal – it’s Free!  Check out the updated Novak Tribute Event guidelines/rules too. 
Let us know via this site’s Contact Us form if you need help printing the plan, or getting some of that vintage BLACK RUBBER motor for your model.
Whew, that’s all for now gang.  Back to the building board — and
see you in the Penn Brook school gym (Georgetown, MA) on March 9!

Feb 23 Meet & Tips

Sunday February 23 Georgetown, MA meet is ON  See you there! 

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Harry flew his Hellcat for the first time at the February Glastonbury flying session. Put in some great flights.
The classic Pink Pearl eraser. Dollar store versions work too.
Lamination hold downs that don’t stick..
A soft clamp for many applications..
Cut to shape they make good stamps. That’s a Scrappy insignia!
Make your own custom stamps..
Harry Culver’s F6F Hellcat with the supplies and tools he used to finish the model. Beautiful!

Building & Finishing Tips

FLASH – The FEBRUARY Georgetown meet has been rescheduled to Sunday 2/23/2025 in the Penn Brook middle school.  View FLYER for directions & contacts.

Since it’s the building season, here are some quick modeling tips from our clubsters..

Airbrushed Ink Finishes

Clubster Harry C. was flying his new, enlarged Nassise Hellcat at the February Glastonbury, CT flying session.  This model (sidebar pics) sports a beautiful airbrushed ink finish.  A brief run-down from Harry:

“I bought the ink locally at Jerry’s Artarama (available online).  The colors are Artfinity alcohol ink from 25 ml bottles intended for marker refills.  There are earth tones, olive greens and greys that would be useful for other camo schemes.  I used Liquitex acrylic ink for the white simply because there was no white available from Artifinity.  There are colors in the Liquitex line but not as many and they are more vivid.  I used the ink unthinned in a Paasche model H external mix airbrush and it went on very dry, requiring three coats to get good color definition.  Even so the total weight gain was only on the order of a gram.  I held the airbrush fairly close to the model, perhaps three inches or so.  The insignia were done with 0.002” low tack frisket film cut to shape.  Next time I would probably paint the whole model with white to get better opacity on the color layers.  A top layer of Krylon clear acrylic would add durability at the cost of more weight.” 

Harry did a fabulous job rendering the tricky 2 tone blue/white color scheme on his Hellcat.  Airbrushed insignia too – wow!  Who’s next to give it a try?

Dollar Store Eraser Tools

Modelers are a resourceful lot.  They’re often cheap too. 

Our creative Vermont clubsters discovered that the ubiquitous “Pink Pearl” eraser makes a great multi-use building tool.  Cheap discount store erasers work well too.  Cut into small bricks (sidebar pics), they make soft yet firm hold downs for those lightweight laminated balsa flying surface outlines.  No more pin marks and the eraser bits will not get glued to the lamination.  Need a small, easily adjustable clamp for holding fragile parts together?  Bits of eraser on a long common pin will do the trick.  So, you don’t want to break out the airbrush for some simple decorations on your next model?   Carve an eraser to make your own stamp.    Use your imagination and get creative with these simple tools.

That’s all for now gang.  Back to the building board — and
see you in the gym on February 23!

Feb 9 Georgetown Meet Cancelled

Upcoming indoor meets Feb 2 (G’bury) and Feb TBD (G’town).  Be there! 

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Model aviators confer on next moves with their Scrappy’s!
Sam and Rich at the Jan 5 Glastonbury meet. Sam won WW1 ML with his neat Bristol F2B.
Steve and George ready to launch in the Golden Age ML launch event on Jan 12.
Vance flew his antique Lacey M-10 at the Jan 12 Georgetown meet.
Clubsters at Vance’s Jan 11 show at Passim. Great music!
Clubsters at Rittmeister’s Christmas Eve Open House. Great Fun!
Glastonbury flyers at the January 5 meet. Check out the Scrappy One Design Scoresheet in this post!


The Sunday FEBRUARY 9 Meet in the Georgetown, MA middle school has been CANCELLED due to SNOW CONDITIONS.  Please stay home and build!

We haven’t done that lately, but there’s a blizzard of indoor flying going on here in the Northeast.  Lots of socializing too – musicians, writers, pilots..we’ve got it all.  Budding author Rich Z even had his story The Cannoneers read on New Year’s Eve on local radio station WHAV 97.9 FM! 

And we’ve already had our first two indoor meets of 2025. 

On Jan 5 we flew in the big gym at Glastonbury HS in Connecticut.  Skyboss John K  was out sick, but clubsters stepped up and the meet came off without a hitch.  Lots of Scrappy One Designs were flying and John sent out the Scrappy Scoresheet after the meet.  Ray H. has to top time with his Scrappy, but Jim R is a scant 2 seconds back and he’s fitted a promising new prop to boost duration.  Surely the 2min mark will fall soon.  Mitch K leads in the “closest to average flight time” category with lots of flyers vying for the pole position.

The next weekend (Jan 12) the Georgetown middle school gym was abuzz with stick and tissue models flitting about.  Yet more Scrappy’s were getting airtime and  all seemed to be flying well.  Jon C showed up with a Freebird ornithopter, illustrating the broad range of rubber powered free flight models.  All of the usual competition events were flown.  Check out the Event Results below (thanks Steve!)

Stealth Squadron Jan 12, 2025 Results Page 1

Stealth Squadron Jan 12, 2025 Results Page 2

See you in the gym in early February skysters!

Indoor Season Underway

All Georgetown, MA indoor flying dates have been posted! 

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Rick P and Marc G show off their NRE Tribute models at the Turkey Fly
The Texas FAC flyers participated remotely in the NRE Tribute Event
And the infamous Harfang (Snow Owl) gang phoned results in from chilly Montreal, Canada.
Richard B flew his Scrappy at the Woodsom Test Field in early December.
Just a reminder of what’s coming…
Winner of the Ed Novak Tribute Event –  Mike S. and family at Pinkham Field in Durham, CT

NRE Tribute Goes Viral!

Thanksgiving seems ages ago.   The annual Durham Turkey Fly was held the weekend before T-day and the Novak Tribute Event was the highlight.  All-sheet Tribute models were flying in Durham and an equal number of flyers participated remotely from Texas and Canada.  How about that – an International salute to one of the FAC’s finest, Never Ready Eddie (NRE)!

The Colonel (Paul S who ran the event) will tell us about it below, but first – an ANNOUNCEMENT.

The Georgetown, MA indoor flying meet dates have been added to the Calendar and will appear on the Coming Events in the Sidebar. There will be indoor flying dates each month January – April, 2025 in both Georgetown, MA and Glastonbury, CT.  See you in the gym(s) flyers – and don’t forget your Scrappy one design model!

The Colonel’s NRE Tribute Event Recap

“There were 19 entries in the Tribute Event.  Four from the Alamo Escadrille in Texas, Six from the Snow Owl (Harfang) Squadron in Montreal, Canada, and Nine from the Pinkham Field Irregulars in Durham. 

Tribute models built included 5 Flying Fools, 3 Commando’s, 3 Little Mike’s, 2 Swallow’s, 2 Rigid Midgets, 2 Clodhopper’s, 1 Lil Cloud Sniffer and 1 FAC Beginner’s Racer.

And the Winner was ..(drum roll).. Mike S. and his beautifully decorated Flying Fool. 

Mike had Three duplicate flights out of his six officials and his next closest was one second apart.  The Snow Owl’s Giorgio T. also had Three duplicate flights, but his next closest official flight was three seconds apart.”

A tip o’ the hat to Mike for some impressively consistent flying with his Flying Fool.  And what a pleasure to see Mike with his young family out on the field.  And thanks Colonel, we know your cell phone was smoking like an old Hisso with a bad cylinder with all those remote flights getting texted in to Pinkham Field!

Hope we can do it again sometime.

See you in the gym soon skysters!

Good-Bye Summer

One more outdoor meet –

11/17 Durham FAC Turkey Fly

Event Flyer HERE

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Flyers launch their Baby Gliders at last year’s Turkey Fly at White’s Farm in Durham, CT
It was windy for the WW1 mass launch event!
Mitch K’s Curtiss Speed Scout FAC Scale model flew well in the Glastonbury HS gym on Nov 3
Tom N retrieves his Commando from the top of the bleachers
Flying to the stars? Nope, a Pacific Ace floatplane rests on the West River in VT
Scrappy One Design flyers in the Glastonbury HS gym on November 3

Seasons go round & round..

And just like that, it’s over.   The shadows grow longer as the days get shorter.   The pitter patter of soft soled shoes on the gym floor.  The first weekend of November was truly a transition – flying in the brisk air at Woodsom Farm on Saturday and in the calm, quiet space of the Glastonbury HS  gym on Sunday.  Whew!

There’s one more chance outdoors at the Turkey Fly in Durham, CT on Nov. 17.  See you there!

Nov 2 Woodsom Meet Pics & Results

Despite the strong Fall wind, a great time was had by all.  Steve E. extended his streak with wins in the Pinkham Stick, Embryo, Dime Scale and Chameleon Mass Launch events.  Rich Z. mopped up most of the remaining events.  Congrats guys.  We won’t go so easily on you next time..haww!

Check out pics and meet results below.


Results p1

Results p2
Thanks for sharing Kim & Steve!

About those Indoor Dates –

All of the Glastonbury, CT Indoor dates have been posted to the Calendar page.  Check the Flyer for dates in the Glastonbury High School gym, key contacts (John K) and address for the High School (your GPS/mapping will provide directions).

Don’t forget to build a Scrappy and get in on the One-Design Fun!


Georgetown, MA Indoor Dates are being finalized and we expect to have these posted to the Calendar soon.  We anticipate one flying day per month beginning in January 2025 and running through April.  The Scrappy One Design will be flown in Georgetown as well, so get building!

Saturday Nov 2 Season Close Meet @ Woodsom Farm

Don’t miss the final outdoor meet of the Season –

Event Flyer HERE

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Sam B launches his Super Capacitor powered Halberstadt D2. Sam’s a SuperCap pro!
Vance G lauches his Russian Kalinen K4 ambulance plane. Beautiful!
Another Boxy Bipe. This one by Steve E. Snidely Whiplash piloting!
Rich Z’s Corben Super Ace wheels above the Fall Colors.
Greve Race mass launch at Woodom Farm Oct. 20 meet

Outdoor Season Finale Nov 2

Tempus Fugit, gang!  Yep, time sure is flying, just like one of Steve E’s Pinkham Stick models.   Next Saturday Nov 2 will be your last chance this season to fly outdoors on the beautiful rolling fields of Woodsom Farm in Amesbury, MA.  Don’t miss it!

The event roster has been slimmed some, but we’ll still be filling the sky with stick & tissue models.  Check out the full Nov. 2 Meet Flyer

See you at the field!

October 20 Meet Results & Pics

Gorgeous weather, good friends and lot’s of high flying models – what more can a flyer ask for?  How about a bunch of great photos to help remember it all?

John R’s Google photostream

Kim W’s Google photostream

Thanks for sharing John & Kim!!

Pinkham Stick was arguably the event to watch with several new models and light-hearted competition.  Steve E kicked it off with a one minute flight on his new Troubadour in the calm morning air and then upped the mark to 100sec plus soon after.   Kim W got several nice flights with her Rocky-piloted Boxy Bipe.    Then in the thermally afternoon Rich Z popped off a 2min plus flight with his Gabelschwanz Teufel (Fork-Tailed Devil) which unfortunately ended with the model 80ft or so up in a majestic pine tree.  Steve countered late in the day with his Pelatowski Stork, catching a thermal and going OOS (out of sight) into a cloud.  But alas, he forgot to start the stopwatch!   Gremlins were surely riding Stork’s wing on its last flight!   And it was the FT Devil for the win.

One thing’s certain.  There’s a lot of flying smiles per build time invested in these simple Pinkham Stick models.  Why not join in the fun?

There was lots of action in the other competition events as well.  Steve E’s Hellcat took the top spot in Dime Scale again and his Mad Maxine (biplane, n’est pas!) topped the Embryo Endurance field.  George S’s Nassise Mustang edged out the Rittmeister’s Henschel 123 to win the WW2 Mass Launch event.  George’s Guillows Fairchild 24 won the Golden Age/Modern Civil event too.

Rich Z’s wretched Roland D2 wreaked havoc winning the WW1 Mass Launch event.  His silky smooth flying Ercoupe also won FAC Simplified Scale – the meet’s premiere competition event.

Sam B and Ara D made the trek from out-of-state to fly with us.  It was great to see you guys.  We sure did have FUN!

Stealth Squadron Oct 2024 Results Page 1

Stealth Squadron Oct 2024 Results Page 2

See you on the field at Woodsom Farm on Nov 2 tissue trimmers  🙂

Woodsom Farm Fall Meet Sunday Oct. 20

FLASH: The October 12 meet has been rescheduled to Sunday October 20

Event Flyer HERE

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A gaggle of Tribute Models soar into the Canadian sky!  Harfang Squadron fliers have been busy at the building board.
Clive G. retrieves his GB.2 twin flying boat from the stream at the Sept 15 Durham meet.
Bern D. ready to send his Commando aloft on an early morning flight at the September Waywayanda, NY meet.
Jim W’s Scrappy One Design model. Many of these ships were seen at the recent Glastonbury indoor flying session.
Clubster Kim W. built this neat little Boxy Bipe as her 2nd model. Looks like Rocky in the cockpit…where’s Bullwinkle?

Fly at Woodsom Farm this Sunday

Heads Up Skysters!  We’ll be flying on the big field at Woodsom Farm in Amesbury this Sunday, October 20.  Last Saturday’s meet at Woodsom Farm was cancelled due to poor flying weather. 

The contest event roster remains unchanged – check out the full Oct. 20 Meet Flyer.  You’ll find directions to the field and key contacts on the Flyer as well.  

Fall flying at Woodsom Farm is the best.  See you at the field!

September Woodsom Farm Meet Results

The Sept. 7 meet saw a light flyer turnout, but nice weather. Several folks showed up to watch and fly gliders that were handed out. Chris helped Alec get his Sleek Streak flying and by the afternoon he was getting 30+ second flights every time.  Way to go guys!
The contest events were hotly contested.  In Dime Scale (pg2 below), a scant 2 seconds separated 1st place from second and second from third.  An exciting event..

Stealth Squadron Sept 2024 Results Page 1

Stealth Squadron Sept 2024 Results Page 2

Novak Tribute & Scrappy One Design Models

Well, folks sure have been busy at the building board!  Our Canadian clubsters from the Harfang Squadron have built and flown a whole gaggle of Novak Tribute Models.  Rumors of several streamer-flying mass launches have been reported, accompanied by a mysterious photo (sidebar pic).  Surely the pic was staged…could it be real??   That’s the Spirit skysters… NRE is smiling!

Check out the NRE Tribute Event page for pics of new Tribute Models built by clubsters.  Send yours along and we’ll put it up for all to see.  It’s all for FUN!

Reports are trickling in of lots of Scrappy One Design activity down in the Glastonbury. CT high school gym.  The first flying session of the 2024-25 indoor season was this past weekend and Scrappies (?) were said to be bouncing off the ceiling and putting up nice flights.  The excitement is building!

See you on the field at Woodsom Farm this Sunday skysters –

Tribute Plans & Lawrence Airport Event

Free Download Plans & Articles for 9 Tribute Event models – HERE

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Clubster Rick P is building this Rigid Midget from the 1952 Aeromodeller plan
Stealth Sqdn table at the August 17 National Aviation Day at Lawrence Airport
Commando launch at Woodsom Farm test field
Civil Air Patrol cadets at Lawrence Airport Aviation Day
SE-5 launch at Woodsom Farm test field
Ryan STA launch at Woodsom Farm test field
Stealth Squadroneers exhibited stick & tissue models and handed out Guillow’s gliders at the Aug 17 Lawrence Airport Aviation Day

Aviation Day at Lawrence Airport

There’s been a lot going on gang and we’re doing our best to keep you informed.  First up is a follow up to our last post A Tribute to Ed Novak.

Plan & Article Downloads Available!

Yep, all 9 Tribute Event plans (incl. articles) are now available on this site for download FREE.   Not since Comet sold kits for a dime have we seen such a deal!  Those keyboard wizards at HQ even put a NRE Tribute Event page on the top menu of this site to house the plans, tips, rules, etc.  Several Tribute Models have already been built – Rick P’s Rigid Midget is under construction (sidebar pic) and Tom N’s got a video of his Commando flying.  Better get building now as rumors are the first Tribute Event will be held this Fall at a Durham, CT meet.

Aviation Day at Lawrence Airport

Stealth Squadroneers continued their outreach to air-minded folks of all ages with a stick and tissue model airplane exhibit at the Lawrence Airport National Aviation Day on August 17.  Our roving reporter was there and managed to snap a few pics of the action (sidebar).  Steve E. brought a box of Guillow’s gliders left over from the terrific  Spencer-Peirce Little Farm event earlier this summer.  These gliders were handed out to interested kids and parents who came by our table.  And what a hit they were!  Kids just love these simple flying models  — we’re hoping to do more of these events.

Fun Flying at Woodsom Farm

OK, you’ve finished that model and you just can’t wait until the next club meet to fly it.  You’ve glided it into the couch and maybe over that patch of soft grass in your backyard, but you need a bit more room to wind it up and try a test flight or two.

Sure, you can venture to your local playground or ballfield – heck that’s where our Tribute Models were intended to be flown.  Another option is the back field off the parking lot at Woodsom Farm.  A few clubsters have been gathering recently at this “testing field” on calm mornings.  They’ve been having a ball just flying for fun, and getting their models ready for the club flying meets (see Calendar for dates & flyers).  Often this group finishes with a cup of coffee at a local shop in Amesbury.  If you’re interested in getting on their group text, reach out via the Contact Us form and we’ll fill you in.  Remember, this hobby and our club is all about having FUN!  

Keep building and see you at the field!

A Tribute to Ed Novak

A New Tribute Event for all-sheet balsa sport flyers –

Stay Tuned for More!

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Ed Novak at White’s Farm (Pinkham Field) in Durham, CT in 1979
Ed launches a Lacey peanut. Durham 1976
NRE Tribute Event Rules (click to view larger)
Commando from the 1943 Air Trails magazine Victory Squadron. Original model is to left; new model by clubster Tom N. at right.

The Spirit of the FAC

This post is dedicated to Ed Novak, an original member of the modern Flying Aces Club (FAC), and a long-time friend.  Ed passed on earlier this summer at his home in CT.

But First….Upcoming Flying Meets!

With the FAC Nationals in Geneseo, NY in the rear window, the local New England flying meet schedule is heating up.  Hope to see you at our August meets – click the links below for the details.

Aug 11 – Durham, CT

Aug 24 – Amesbury, MA

The Modern Flying Aces Club – Early Years

In the mid-late 1960’s a small group of free flight modelers in southern CT began flying rubber-powered scale  and sport models in the style of the pre-WW2 era Flying Aces magazine and the original Flying Aces Club.  The emphasis was on fun as characterized by the adventures and tongue in cheek humor of that fictional Flying Aces hero, Phineas Pinkham.   Building and flying unique and unconventional models  was encouraged, and a sometimes schmaltzy newsletter was started.  The spirit caught on, the little club grew to national status, and the modern Flying Aces Club (FAC) was born.  Eddie Novak was a key member of that early, wacky and creative crew of flyers.

In fact, Ed was perhaps the first FAC junior flyer not related to the club founders Dave Stott and Bob Thompson.  His parents would drive him to the first FAC meets at Pinkham Field in Durham, CT.  Yes, that Pinkham Field is the same Whites Farm field that we fly at in Durham, CT today!

The Spirit of the FAC!

Ed was a relentless advocate for the Spirit of those early wacky and adventuresome Flying Aces.  Flying model competition was important and as this aspect of the FAC grew, Ed was there to remind us there was more to our Flying Aces Club – Fun!

To celebrate this Spirit and Eddie’s influence over the years, the Pinkham Field Irregulars (as that group of local flyers is known) have come up with a new Ed Novak Tribute Event.  This is a fun celebration of the simple all-sheet balsa sport models popularized in WW2 era model magazines.   

Rules for the Tribute Event are presented HERE.  A number of construction Plans and Articles for these models will be made available for download (free) from this website soon.

The Louis Garami “Commando” published in a 1943 issue of Air Trails is one of these Tribute models.   At the top of this post, we’re happy to share a photo of Louis’ original model and one recently built from his plans by clubster Tom N.

We’ll let you know when the downloads are available on our club website here.  Stay tuned and keep that building board at the ready!

Spencer-Peirce Little Farm Event Recap & Pics

See you at our flying meets:

Aug 11 – Durham, CT

Aug 24 – Amesbury, MA

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Guillow’s custom printed Jetstream models and Historic New England promoted the event in local newspapers
Spencer-Peirce Little Farm staff helped flyers with their models.
The “Flying Aces Take Flight” registration table ~ 150 air-minded folks attended
The Guillow’s table was busy all day
Guillow’s sponsored several raffles during the event
Family fun!
Attendees were able to customize their Guillow’s Jetstream models at the Assembly Table

Flying Aces Take Flight!

What a fabulous time we all had at the June 8 “Flying Aces Take Flight” event at the Spencer-Peirce Little Farm in Newbury, MA.

Not since the Jordan Marsh – Boston Traveler sponsored meets of the late 1930’s have we seen so many young folks and families flying free flight model airplanes in one place!

We’ll tell the story of those Jordan Traveler Junior Aviation League meets in a future post, but let’s get on with a recap of the June 8 event.  Check out some pics in the sidebar here and more on clubster John R’s photo page.   Thanks John!

A Brief Recap

The Rittmeister (aka Rich Z) conceived the initial concept for the “Flying Aces Take Flight” event and established much of the early plans with the Spencer-Peirce Little and Guillow’s leads.   Rich provides his brief recap below:  

“This was not the typical Flying Aces Club contest because we had moved into the realm of public education and flight demonstration. We coordinated with Guillow’s and the Spencer-Peirce Little Farm staff in organizing the event site.  In addition to model flying on the Farm’s open field, there was a spectator area, a model display area, the Stealth Squadron Repair Facility, and a Guillow’s exhibit area which included aerial games for the kids.   Indoors we had a continuous video loop on a TV screen that ran highlights of our past contests and a display table of Guillow’s models built by club members.  In appreciation of Guillow’s sponsorship, our Flying Aces Club presented the Guillow’s representatives with a trophy cup that a past member won at a Guillow’s-sponsored Jordan Traveler Junior Aviation League model meet in 1941.

A Sunny, Windy Day

On June 8th, the day of the event, the sky was sunny and warm with winds from the west at 15 mph gusting to over 20 mph.  More than one hundred and fifty attendees spread picnic blankets and chairs alongside the field and walked the flight line talking to the Flying Aces who were more than willing to answer any questions.  John R. handled the mic at the public address podium keeping spectators informed of activities on the field such as mass launch flights. 

Most importantly, attendees wanted to fly their Jetstreams (free with admission ticket purchase) and we had several clubsters on the field to help them.  The repair facility had a steady stream of
people with models needing to be glued back together or having broken rubber motors replaced.
The mood was festive. The Farm staff and Guillow’s were delighted with the event, and we in the FAC had the opportunity to introduce our type of model building and flying to the public.  The consensus
is that we will do it again next year. The Stealth Squadron FAC would like to thank Historic New England and Guillow’s for their sponsorship.”

Thanks Richard!

Now, if you attended the June 8 Flying Aces Take Flight event, it was great to meet and fly with you. 

If you’d like to learn more about free flight model airplanes, we invite you to come to any of our flying meets in Amesbury, MA (Woodsom Farm), or Durham, CT (White’s Farm). 

Check out the Coming Events and Calendar on this website for more information, directions and contacts.

See you on the flightline!