Model Bonus andNEW Temperature Bonus this year. Use Postal Timesheet form in the Sidebar or on the Postal Contest page.
Better Late Than Never!
Okay, okay, we hear you.
The Postal Contest is now officially ON!
As always The Contest ends on St. Patrick’s Day March 17, 2022 and all flights are to be made outdoors .
Check the latest Results on the Postal Contest page – all times submitted will be posted. Rules and online Timesheet Form can be found on that page. Look for the Timesheet Form at the bottom of the sidebar throughout this site as well.
New Temperature Bonus
Eagle eye Angus spotted some inequities in last years crush by that dastardly flyer Trailing Edge. The boss noted TE’s boasting about the top 3 flights submitted, his merciless Brady Bashing and the fact that TE’s flights were made in positively balmy conditions.
So, he came up with a new Temperature Bonus Table below (we’re pretty sure the rumors that somebody slipped Angus a Fin are untrue)
Angus says that the idea is to keep it close and interesting. He says it’s all for fun anyway (hmmm…)
So have at it Skysters!
Send any pics and videos and we’ll share on this site. Use the Contact Form if any questions or comments (to Angus of course, not me)
Send your pics & vids to
Potez dimer after successful Air-Tree Rescue (click to enlarge)Fairchild PT-19 after a perfect landing on the slight crust atop the deep snow. Feb 18 (click to enlarge) Comte AC4 Dimer (click to enlarge)(click to view vid) Spitfire Snow Flight Jan 22Stinson O-49 Rose-James Field, VA Jan 14Waco launch Rose-James Field VA Jan 14Udet Dimer VA Jan 14Comet Aeroneer Dimer, Old Lyme, CT JanWaco Dimer Jan 14 VA
Potez 34 dimer Tree’d, 3/8/2021 Woodsom Farm
Postal Dimer ends March 17
Hey gang. Time is running out! Get your dime scale model in the air and submit an online timesheet (sidebar).
That’s right – 9 flying days left before the postal dime contest ends on St Patrick’s Day (Mar 17, 2021).
There has to be at least a couple good weather days between now and then. Don’t miss your opportunity to get on the Tallyboard!
And don’t forget to send a pic or vid of your model in action or at rest. We’ll post it here for all to see.
Light breezes and warm thermals –
* * *
Zounds! Has that ghastly Hun Hanz from The Cursed Squadron survived, taken a pseudo-name and commandeered this cute little Swiss Franc (top left) for his dastardly act?
How can such an innocent craft – a reindeer on its sides no less – be used as a tool for mayhem?
Because that’s what this has become. The taunt from Trailing Edge himself at the bottom of this post confirms as much.
He even said the Tom Brady thing… Of course, he wouldn’t sign Hanz.
If ever there was a need for Jack Sharpe on the case, this is it!
* * *
Sacre Bleau! Like a vagabond on a midnight train, a mystery flyer named Trailing Edge has slipped into our little Postal Contest.
He is the new Wing Commander – and his lead seems insurmountable. Oh my!
Three Dimers, three flights, three top positions on the Tallyboard. Even the Bovid Army at Rose James Field couldn’t stop him.
OK now. We know this event is for fun…sort of like the Drew Carey show where the points don’t matter. It’s about the show.
BUT…. the Sqdn Commander’s cap spirited away to a place that’s for Lovers? Pffffftttt!
So, let it snow, let it freeze. Let the Bonus rise and our models rise further. It’s not over til it’s over. Get out there gang.
Send pics & vids of your winter flying adventures to and we’ll put them up here.
Model Bonus and Temperature Bonus this year. Use the Postal Timesheet form in the Sidebar or on the Postal Contest page.
Enter your FAC Dime Scale model!
Well gang, things are just not looking good for our indoor flying season this year. Given that, we’re going to re-run our virtual Dime Scale Postal event this winter. We had lots of flying and good light-hearted competition last year so let’s do it again.
Remember, anyone can enter and win whether you’re a Stealth Squadron member or not. Yes, there’s been some overzealous talk of Dimer duels, but we know this is for fun. It’s all about getting your model and moniker on the tallyboard (see Postal Page).
The Contest starts on New Year’s Day Jan 1, 2021 and ends on St. Patrick’s Day March 17, 2021. All flights are to be made outdoors and there will be a Temperature bonus like last year. That’s right, the colder the day you fly – the more bonus added to your flight time! Bonus points for your model will be added as well, per the official FAC Dime Scale rules.
Check the latest Results on the Postal Contest page – we’ll post the top 20 times submitted. Rules and online Timesheet Form can be found on that page. Look for the Timesheet Form at the bottom of the sidebar throughout this site as well.
Kick off this new decade with style and submit a flight. Have fun with it. We’ll post photos or videos of your model or flight on the Stealth Sqdn site too. Just send them to
Whew! There’s a lot of free flight rubber powered model airplane flying going on at Woodsom Farm in Amesbury – and that’s a great thing! Yessir, the stealthy brass hats at GHQ have decided that more flying is just what we all need these days.
What nice folks, eh? (now don’t you skybosses go gettin’ noggins too big for your brass hats now.)
As usual, all events and details can be found on the Contest Flyer at left and at the link below. A “rain date” Saturday 11/14 has been reserved in case the weather fails to comply. Check this site and your email as Nov 8 approaches to confirm the date. As usual masks and social distancing protocols will be observed at this meet.
Click the image at left to view the full contest flyer which includes Directions, Event Roster, Contest Director contact info, etc.
And because it’s been helpful, here again is a link to the
All mass launch events except WW1 will be flown on 10% rubber motors to shorten retrieval time. Note that due to daylight savings time, we may draw the meet to a close a bit earlier than usual in the afternoon. Not to worry though it’ll still be worth your trip to beautiful Woodsom Farm in Amesbury, MA which is about 30 minutes north of Boston.
UPDATE: Due to more favorable weather/winds, the October Meet will be held on SUNDAY OCT. 11, 2020 and NOT Saturday 10/10 as originally scheduled.
All events and details other than the date will be the same on the Contest Flyer at left and at link below. See you at Woodsom Farm this Sunday!
Well, the gang had so much fun and good flying at the September meet, that we just had to schedule another one. That’s right skysters, Saturday Oct 10 Sunday Oct 11, 2020 we’ll be gathering again to fly on the beautiful rolling fields of Woodsom Farm in Amesbury. You won’t want to miss this one as its going to be a long winter and who knows if indoor flying will be happening at all what with Covid and all. So..
Click the image at left to view the full contest flyer which includes Directions, Event Roster, Contest Director contact info, etc.
As for Events – we’ll have FAC Jet Catapult Scale again – see p14 of
for rules. The Greve and Thompson Trophy mass launch events are being combined for this meet into the National Air Race (NAR) mass launch event. Bring your Thompson, Greve, Bendix or other National Air Race model to fly in this event. This will make room for a Goodyear Peanut mass launch event which is always fun. All mass launch events except WW1 will be flown on 10% rubber motors to shorten retrieval time.
Location will be at Woodsom Farm in Amesbury, MA about 30 minutes north of Boston.
We just completed a great contest on August 22nd on the beautiful rolling fields in Amesbury. If you missed out, here is another chance to fly free flight rubber with us on the 12th of September.
Click the image at left to view the full contest flyer which includes Directions, Event Roster, Contest Director contact info, etc.
Events are changed up a little and include a FAC Jet Catapult Scale (see p14 of
Click Image to View Flyer Full Size – including directions and contacts
first outdoor contest of 2020!
Well, it’s finally been scheduled….our first outdoor contest of 2020 will be held on the big field at Woodsom Farm in Amesbury on Saturday August 22, 2020. All safety precautions will be in use – social distancing, masks, etc. Please come prepared — and come prepared to enter the events and fly!
Click the image at left to view the full contest flyer which includes Directions, Event Roster, Contest Director contact info, etc.
Location will be at Woodsom Farm in Amesbury, MA about 30 minutes north of Boston.
Come on out and fly with us. If you don’t have a model airplane we’ll help you get started in this rewarding hobby.
Download Plan, Build Model, Beat Designer’s High Time!
Scroll to End of Post to Download PlanSteve’s 2nd Cricket Model. Can you beat his time?
Cricket Rubber Free Flight Model
Join the Challenge Today!
You’ve seen William Skelly’s fabulous Laird Solution model plan – well here’s another super model on the other end of the complexity spectrum. TheCricket is a simple, high flying stick model designed by clubster Steve Evans. Scroll to the bottom of this post to download a copy of the plan.
A Designer’s Challenge has been issued for modelers to build their own Cricket and see if they can beat Steve’s high time. The Challenge will run through September 15 as an online “Postal” contest. Check out the Designer’s Challenge page for the latest Results (we’ll post all times submitted) and an online Timesheet Form which can also be found at the bottom of the sidebar throughout this site.
Now, a few words from our Designer Steve:
“Sometimes its nice to take a break from all the stresses of daily life these days and just do something easy, where the rewards are quick and the efforts minimal. I designed the Cricket to be just that and the first one I made rewarded me by nearly flying away, only returning to the field on a favorable breeze. After that model suffered a benchtop “incident” I decided to build a second one and also to offer the plans out (scroll down to download) along with a challenge.
After one trimming session, my best flight so far is 32 seconds. Build the Cricket and see if you can beat that mark! This is an unofficial online contest that runs until September 15. Results will be posted on the site.”
Good luck and get flying!
Download Cricket Plan (print on three 8.5 x 11in sheets)