May 21 Amesbury Meet & Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome

Sunday May 21 – outdoor season opener meet at Woodsom Farm.  Contest Flyer  HERE

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May 21 Woodsom Farm Amesbury, MA Contest Flyer
A Sopwith Pup and Fokker DVIII at ORA. The Fokker was flying with an original rotary engine!
A Curtiss Jenny takes off from the grass strip with a kidnapped Trudy Truelove (dummy) holding onto a wing strut!
A New Standard biplane hopped passenger rides before and after the airshow.
This Golden Age Morane Saulnier aerobatic aircraft was spotted in one of the hangars just up from the ORA airstrip.
The grandstands at ORA line the grass airstrip. Here the return of the ribbon-cutting Tiger Moth and Fleet biplane is announced over the PA system.
Stealth Squadroneers with Old Rhinebeck Pilots & Cast, July 2022

May 21 at Woodsom Farm; 2023 ORA  Trip Planning

Finally!  The daffodils have bloomed and spring has sprung.  Clubsters are blowing the cobwebs off their outdoor models and looking to get outside and fly in the warm sunshine.  

Our first outdoor meet of the season is right around the corner – Sunday May 21 on the big rolling green fields of Woodsom Farm in Amesbury, MA.  Check out the Contest Flyer and plan to make this one as we expect to see many new models built over this past winter.

Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome Field Trip

A few clubsters made the trek to Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome (ORA) last July and had a great time.  They got to see many terrific WW1, Golden Age, and Pioneer aircraft flying off the legendary grass strip.  More of their great pics are posted on the Photos page of this site.  What an airshow!

We’re hoping to make another field trip to ORA this summer, perhaps with a few more clubsters this time.  We’ll be discussing the details at the close of the May 21 meet at Woodsom Farm.  Show up at the meet and let us know if you’d like to join in the fun.

See you on the flightline skysters!

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