Register for the Model Building Class at Westford’s Roudenbush Center now. Classes start in March!
click to view Feb 6 results full size

March 13 next Indoor Contest
Click on the Contest Flyer image at left to view the details.
While you’re at it check out the Feb 6 contest results at left as well.
Oh, and there’s only about a week to ten days left to get in your Postal Dime Contest entry. We’ve had a few more entries and it looks like our southern flyers are in the catbird seat again! Will it be you that gives the C’ville Flyer a run?
2022 Modeling Class starts March 16
You may recall that clubster Steve Evans ran a model airplane building class last year where a bunch of folks built and flew his Skylark design. If you missed it, check out the report with pics here.
Well, Steve’s at it again and the new Roudenbush class will start on March 16. There’s still time to Register, but you better do it quick! Click on the link below and the Hobbies/Gaming subheader link from there to register.
The 30 inch wingspan Condor pictured in flight in the header photo will be the class build subject. This is a bigger model than Skylark and will be just a super flyer. We really like that flat wing center section.
Hopefully, we’ll see a bunch of these flying out on Woodsom Farm this coming outdoor season.
See you on the flightline skyster!