May 15 Amesbury Meet & April Meet Results

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new events for May Meet!

May outdoor free flight model airplane meets can be among the best – still cool but warming weather, tall but not too tall grass, etc.  We hope you’ll join us for another great day out on Woodsom Farm!

The event roster has been shaken up a bit too.  We’ll be flying Dime Scale, OT Fuselage, Goodyear Mass Launch and the National Air Races in addition to old standbys FAC Scale, Peanut and Embryo Endurance.  So expect to be seeing some new models flying. 

Check out the Flying Aces Club rulebook, or use the Contact Us form on this site if any questions.

We continue to use COVID safety protocols on the field so bring your mask.    Bring your rubber-powered free flight models too and we’ll find an event you can fly in.

See you on May 15 at the Woodsom Farm field!

view April 18 results HERE

Check out Flyer & Event Roster for May 15 meet at Woodsom Farm.  April 18 contest results too!

click to view April 18 Results

3 cheers to the contest director!



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