9 Days Left!

Send your pics & vids to admin@stealthsquadron-fac49.com

Potez dimer after successful Air-Tree Rescue (click to enlarge)
Fairchild PT-19 after a perfect landing on the slight crust atop the deep snow.  Feb 18 (click to enlarge)
  Comte AC4 Dimer (click to enlarge)
(click to view vid) Spitfire Snow Flight Jan 22
Stinson O-49 Rose-James Field, VA Jan 14
Waco launch Rose-James Field VA  Jan 14
Udet Dimer VA Jan 14
Comet Aeroneer Dimer, Old Lyme, CT  Jan
Waco Dimer Jan 14 VA
Potez 34 dimer Tree’d, 3/8/2021 Woodsom Farm

Postal Dimer ends March 17

Hey gang.  Time is running out!  Get your dime scale model in the air and submit an online timesheet (sidebar). 

That’s right – 9 flying days left before the postal dime contest ends on St Patrick’s Day (Mar 17, 2021). 

There has to be at least a couple good weather days between now and then.  Don’t miss your opportunity to get on the Tallyboard!

And don’t forget to send a pic or vid of your model in action or at rest.  We’ll post it here for all to see. 

Light breezes and warm thermals –


                          *   *   *

Zounds!  Has that ghastly Hun Hanz from The Cursed Squadron survived, taken a pseudo-name and commandeered this cute little Swiss Franc (top left) for his dastardly act?

How can such an innocent craft – a reindeer on its sides no less – be used as a tool for mayhem? 

Because that’s what this has become.  The taunt from Trailing Edge himself at the bottom of this post confirms as much. 

He even said the Tom Brady thing…  Of course, he wouldn’t sign Hanz. 

If ever there was a need for Jack Sharpe on the case, this is it!


                          *   *   *

Sacre Bleau!  Like a vagabond on a midnight train, a mystery flyer named Trailing Edge has slipped into our little Postal Contest.

He is the new Wing Commander – and his lead seems insurmountable.   Oh my!

Three Dimers, three flights, three top positions on the Tallyboard.  Even the Bovid Army at Rose James Field couldn’t stop him.

OK now.  We know this event is for fun…sort of like the Drew Carey show where the points don’t matter.  It’s about the show.

BUT…. the Sqdn Commander’s cap spirited away to a place that’s for Lovers?  Pffffftttt!

So, let it snow, let it freeze.  Let the Bonus rise and our models rise further.  It’s not over til it’s over.  Get out there gang.

Send pics & vids of your winter flying adventures to admin@stealthsquadron-fac49.com and we’ll put them up here. 


One thought on “9 Days Left!”

  1. Haaar! Y’all Nor’easterers done fell asleep at the stick again! First you lost Tom Brady, now I got you in my sights and yer gonna lose your shorts! Rat-tat-tat-tat-tat! Hahaha! Whooo hooo!!

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