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New Flyers, New Models, old favorites
Wow, the Penn Brook Middle School gym was as busy as a beehive in May at the March 12 meet!
Several new flyers from New Hampshire showed up to fly their rubber powered free flight models. At least one youngster flew a traditional stick and tissue model airplane for the first time. And the local VW Beetle car club showed up to enjoy the show.
Ara D and Sam B made the trek from ME and CT to join the flying fun. Always good to see our pals from out of state.
The contest events were friendly, jovial – and competitive as ever. Check out the results below:
Kanone Report, Stealth Squadron March 2023, Page 1
Kanone Report, Stealth Squadron March 2023, Page 2
Check out the Photo Page for more pics from the March meet.
April Indoor Flying Finale
Sure it’s been snowing up a storm, but Spring is around the corner.
Our indoor flying season wraps up in April with a final flying session in Georgetown, MA on April 2, and another finale in Glastonbury, CT on April 16. These are your last opportunities to fly indoors in New England this season, so check out the flyers and mark your calendars now.
Outdoor Flying Dates Coming Soon
Keep your eyes peeled on the Coming Events sidebar on the homepage as well as the Calendar on this site. We’ll be posting the Outdoor Meet and Contest dates soon.
Hopefully, you’ve been busy as a beaver on the building board and getting some new models ready to go. We’re really looking forward to seeing the models from Steve E’s online model building class take to the sky.
See you on the flightline skyster!