
“The fact that it is stable just tickles me.”

            Peter K.



Whim·sy /ˈ(h)wimzē/
playfully quaint or fanciful behavior or humor

By and by, a model comes along that just makes us smile.
Peter Kaiteris’ little Caproni-Pensuti Triplane is one of them.

At the Glastonbury indoor meet a couple weeks back, our roving reporter Angus caught up with Peter and got some insight into the creative mastermind behind the petite Pensuti.  

To call the Pensuti Hannan-esque seems not a stretch.  The great WCH himself inspired scores of modelers with his simple, all-sheet and often tiny whimsical rubber powered scale model airplanes. 

Thanks Peter, for channeling that spirit and making us smile.

Read Interview Now




Zee Zpandau!

Build a realistic Spandau machine gun for your German WWI model!


William Skelly

Construction Plans & How-To

The Flying Aces Club (FAC) World War I mass launch event is always a hit at our indoor and outdoor model meets (check the calendar on this site and join us to see for yourself).

FAC Rules for the WWI mass launch event specify that 3D armament must be present on all models participating.

Clubster William Skelly found that many WWI flying scale model construction plans offer sketchy, if any, instructions describing how to make the machine guns.

William tackled the issue head-on by drawing his own plans for the Spandau machine gun on his latest model of a German Fokker D VII fighter aircraft (see pics on the Photos page). 

We’re very pleased to share with you his plans and construction article.  Now you too can have realistic Spandau guns on your model. 

Thanks William!

Download Construction Article

Download Plan


The Zen of Indoor Free Flight: A Modeler’s Take

“The key goal in successfully flying indoors? A repeatable, reliable, power pattern!”


Sam Brauer

Try indoor FF

Long-time Radio Control (RC)  and Free Flight (FF) modeler Sam Brauer has been having increasing competitive success in our indoor meets in recent years.  His Golden Age Reproductions P-51 Mustang is the scourge of the Glastonbury indoor WW2 mass launch events and his RAF B.E.2c “farm tractor” is a threat whenever it flies.   Clearly,  Sam has figured out how to make free flight models fly really well indoors.

We asked Sam to share some of his learnings and he came through with this informative and thought-provoking article.   Never one to shy away from a debatable point (whaddya mean I don’t have to build straight!!), Sam will challenge your thinking.  You can’t argue with his success…so open your mind, click the link below and listen up!

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2019-20 Indoor Season Kicks Off!

fly in the gym!

OK gang, the weather’s turning colder and the Indoor flying season is here.

Check the links at right to see the dates in Georgetown and Glastonbury.  Glastonbury kicks off on Sunday Nov. 10, while Georgetown kicks off on Jan. 5.  

There are lots of opportunities to fly free flight rubber in the gyms.  Don’t forget to build your Pipit and join the fun!

“click the links below to view flying dates in Georgetown, MA and Glastonbury, CT”


From the Beginner’s Workbench: The Amazing In-Flight Rewinder

“And if you overwind your main motor without using a blast tube, the interaction with the Rewinder has a way of spectacularly compounding the catastrophe. “


George Skelly

The Amazing In-Flight Rewinder

a tale from the beginner’s workbench

A newcomer to the hobby shares his humorous take on the esoteric mysteries of stick and tissue free-flying model airplanes and the quest to defy the unyielding force of gravity.   Delving into the gray area between art, science and Rube Goldberg imagineering, the author shares his journey to the realization that there is something more to the magical extended flight of an apparently simple rubber band powered model airplane.  Join him in his light-hearted search for a greater understanding of our hobby.

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“Will could hardly see forward through the smashed windscreen. He pushed back the canopy for better visibility. It moved an inch and no more. He panicked. Then he put both feet on the dashboard and pulled with both hands. “


Dr. Richard Zapf


a post-Battle of Britain short story

Young Will Smythe was Blue 4 in a flight of four Hawker Hurricanes on a mission to wrest control of the skies over France after the tumultuous Battle of Britain.  Having never fired his guns in anger, and dreaming of his girl Melissa and their upcoming Valentines Day date, Will and his flight take on Germany’s best – the infamous Abbeville Boys.  It’s a wild ride as Will takes us through the hair-raising raid behind enemy lines, his frantic escape, and the final encounter as he crosses the Channel and nears the safety of Mother England.

Feel the cold sweat of World War 2 aerial combat..

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Outdoor Flying Season Is Here!

Get out and fly!

OK gang, the Indoor flying season is done.

Blue skies and warmer weather is here so get outside and find some boomer thermals to fly your model into.

Season opener is the May 4, 2019 meet at Woodsom Farm in Amesbury MA.

Take a break from the building board.  Come on out and join your pals on the flying field!

“Angus says… Check upcoming dates for meets and contests on the Calendar page or sidebar of this site”




Welcome to the Stealth Squadron!

We are an active group of free flight aircraft model builders dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the hobby.

Based in Massachusetts, the Stealth Squadron is fortunate to count among its members some of the true masters of the trade.  All club members are very supportive and freely share information and encouragement.

We welcome you to our web site and hope that you will get involved!