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This page has been added to the Stealth Squadron website to share Model Plans, Rules and Tips for the Ed Novak Tribute Event. To learn more about the origins of this Tribute Event view the post A Tribute to Ed Novak.
The Pinkham Field Irregulars – as that group of local flyers at Pinkham Field in Durham, CT is known – have come up with a new Ed Novak Tribute Event. This is a fun celebration of the simple all-sheet balsa sport models popularized in WW2 era model magazines.
View Ed Novak Tribute Event Rules (updated 1.25.2025) HERE
NRE Tribute Event Plans
The following Model Plans have been selected for this Tribute Event. These Plans have been scanned full-size from the original WW2-era model magazine it was published in.
Printing the Download Files
Most of the PDF files here include the original construction article as well as the plan. Since some of the old model magazines were larger than standard 8 1/2 x 11in format, you may need to print in larger formats as well. If your home printer can’t do this, we suggest you copy the downloaded PDF file to a USB stick and take it to your local library or copy center – they should be able to print it for you.
Building and Flying the Models
These are easy to build all sheet balsa flyers. Most can be built in a couple of sessions at the workbench. Use care in selecting sheet balsa to ensure it is straight and not warped. Try to find a light sheet (< 8# density) that has some quarter grain to it. This sheet balsa will be best for the wings and the tail as the quarter grain will help resist warps over time.
The construction articles that accompany the model plans are a must read! In addition to sharing the steps and tips in constructing the model, they will give you a flavor for free flight modeling during these earlier times. Intended to be flown in the backyard, or the local playing field, these models are more durable and can be flown in windier conditions. They will fly well, however, so do make sure you have enough room if you wind that rubber motor tight!
Flying Meet & Contest Events
When the Novak Tribute Event is flown at a formal Meet or Contest (see Calendar), your model must use old time black rubber. This is to best replicate the power the model was intended for. The meet lead/contest director will be able to provide this motor. Reach out to us via the Contact Us form on this website, and we’ll send you some. In the meantime, test and fly your model on any available rubber motor.