October 10 Woodsom Farm Pics Posted!

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John & Kathi Rood


Like puppets on a string, four FF scale models jockey for position in the 2nd sortie in the World War 1 combat event.

Flying at Woodsom Farm!

The day dawned overcast and chilly. 
But that didn’t deter the intrepid Stealth Squadroneers who showed up at Woodsom Farm in Amesbury, MA to fly their model airplanes.

Clubster John Rood and spouse Kathi made the trek from Boston and captured some great moments.   We’ve presented a few here, but check this Link to see the entire collection.

Kathi did a most excellent job of managing most of the mass launch events too.  Many thanks Kathi & John – what a terrific group of folks we have in this club.

Clubster Steve Evans flew his elegant Skylark rubber free flight sport and endurance model.  Our roving photog captured this neat flight VIDEO.  Steve is teaching a model building course at the Roudenbush Center in Westford, MA where they’re building the Skylark.  Contact him at twigsandtissue@gmail.com if you’d like to join the course and the build.

And the outdoor flying season isn’t over yet!  Two November meets are scheduled for 11/6 (Amesbury, MA) and 111/14 (Durham, CT).  Don’t miss these last chances to fly outside with the gang this year.

See you on the flightline skyster!




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