In appreciation
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To Friends Old and New
Our simple hobby is really all about the people. You already knew that, right? We have a common love of things that fly.
Our friendships are long lasting. We keep and sometimes lose old friends, but then we make new ones. It is nature’s way.
Let’s start with the new. Clubster Steve E. reports that graduates of his latest Model Airplane Class at the Roudenbush in Westford, MA successfully flew their new Tomahawk Embryo models at the Texas Road field. The smiling cadets in our heading photo are (L-R) Alan M, Rob L, Bill B and David A. Way to go gang, and thanks Steve for leading the class. We look forward to seeing our new friends and their models at our meets.
Now for some sad news. We recently lost longtime clubster and pal George Nason to Parkinsons disease. George was a creative soul, quick with a smile and a good word – a fixture at our flying meets and club meetings. Richard Z shares stories from his many years of close friendship with George, his modeling mentor.
Click the link below to read his tribute.
Happy Thanksgiving skysters!
Stay tuned to this site for info on the Guillows Bird Dog one design for the upcoming indoor season.